News Article

Red Ribbon Week          

    Kids at Blue Ball Elementary are doing special events for not doing drugs. On Monday they had to wear crazy socks instead of drugs. One thing I saw was Mr. Arena and Mr. Geiman [two of the fourth grade teachers) wore Batman and Robin socks with capes on the back of them. One student was wearing pink polka dot socks up to her knees. On       Tuesday they had to wear their school colors blue, gray, and white. One of the children was wearing a blue headband, a gray shirt, and white shorts plus blue and white polka dot shoes. One person was wearing gray socks, blue Spartans shirt and white shorts.

    On Wednesday they had to dress up as what they wanted to be when they grew up. Surprisingly a lot of the kids wanted to be either a doctor, nurse and even a surgeon.Also some boys dressed up like an army men or football players.

    On Thursday they had to walk from the back of Shady Maple to their school. What they did was the buses dropped them off behind Shady Maple and after a couple minutes they dismissed them. They walked to school because the theme was to “be healthy and not do drugs.

    On Friday all they had to do was wear red. One student was wearing a red dress, red shoes, a red sweater and a red headband in her hair with a red bracelet on her wrist. We had to wear red to say we were healthy too. A lot of students in fourth grade wore red.

    So this is what we learned about what Blue Ball Elm. does for Red Ribbon Week

4 thoughts on “News Article

    1. Hey Jenna thanks for commenting on my blog ! Since you didn’t post your URL I can’t comment on your blog. So if you could make another comment and post your URL in it that would be AMAZING.

  1. Good job I like how you describe it. I wonder what you wore, I wish you said what some teachers wore for what they want to be for when they grow up.

  2. Cool Abby. I like how you included what some people looked like on career day. I wish you said that Mr. Geiman dressed up as Monnie Jr. and that Mr. Arena dressed up as Monnie Jr. Jr. on career day. I wonder who wore socks up to their knees.

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