Wrapping it Up

How did it come to be the end of the 2018-2019 school year already?  Truly, I must say that this has been the fastest year ever for me at ELANCO.  I attribute it to the joy of the work I get to do supporting your children.  This has been such a rewarding year for me as I’ve watched your children grow, be challenged, and rise to those challenges.  I also truly enjoy getting to communicate with and support you, as parents, navigating the world with a gifted learner.  It’s not always easy to be a parent of a gifted child (contrary to some beliefs), and I appreciate your involvement with your child’s education.

Please take a moment to explore the photographs newly posted in the Gallery from the Gifted Expo.  What a great night!  I hope you enjoyed seeing the fruit of all of our learners’ hard work and effort.  I am always amazed at the variety of topics and interests that students choose to explore.  I hope they got to experience the satisfaction of completing a large task, learning something new, and sharing it with others.

I wish everyone a happy and safe summer ahead and I look forward to seeing your children at the end of August.  I will again be supporting all of our elementary gifted learners across our buildings for the 2019-2020 school year and will make appearances at the middle school as well.  If you need to be in touch with me for any reason, know that I will check my email periodically over the summer months and will get back to you when available.  Thanks for entrusting your children’s unique strengths and needs to me this school year!

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