
In my opinion I think that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but the real reason I enjoy it so much is because I get to spend time with my family that lives far away or I get to visit them and getting to spend time with your family is always fun! And not only that it’s the time of giving and peace, witch it’s always nice to give and share peace with people or family. And my most favorite part about it is the…….FOOD! Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without the food. Especially the turkey, and all the desserts not to mention the pie! My favorite pie is apple I’m not much of a pumpkin pie type I mean it’s good in all and I would have it but apple pie is the bomb. And what I love is that when we are finished with the food we all play games and spend time together. Last Thanksgiving we went to Las Vegas to see my cousin and it was a blast, we had our Thanksgiving feast then we all played games and watched movies. It was one of my favorite Thanksgivings yet! So what I am saying is that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and  probably will always be my favorite!

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