My Winter Break

On my winter break I had a bunch of Christmas parties one with my mom’s family we opened presents we ate ham, cookies and all sorts of good stuff. Then on Christmas day just my family opened presents and ate breakfast we got an Xbox one 😜 then later that day we had a party with my dads family we had a lot of good stuff. Then we had a small party with my great grandparents. On new  years day I went to cole’s house to stay till new years day.

My Washington D.C trip

On my Washington D.C trip I thought that the changing of the guard was my favorite thing. I also really liked the museums and the monuments. My favorite monument was the Washington monument😜 . My favorite museum was the natural history museum😎

My christmas break

On my christmas break I am going to have 5! christmas parties, christmas eve I am going to my moms family, then on christmas day I am having christmas with just my family, then with my dads family. Some day on the break I am having a party with my great grandparents, last I am going to have a big party and we are going to make gingerbread houses and have dinner then play games

Penn State Visit

On our Penn State trip I am going to be exited because I might get to see if I want to go to this college when I get older and when I want to go to college I think it will be fun because I might get to see some football players if I am lucky. That is what I think about for the Penn State visit.

My Thanksgiving Break

On my thanksgiving break I went to my grandparents house on wednesday my moms family. Me and my cousins like to play football so we had a big game with our parents (my dad and uncles) we had turkey, mashed potatoes, my family loves cranberry sauce so we had that to, and stuffing (my favorite). Thursday my dads family came to our house for lunch/dinner we had a lot of fun we watched football and ate a big meal. saturday thru monday I went hunting with my dad. that was my thanksgiving break.

Thankful things

I choose three things I am thankful for on thanksgiving, my first thing I am thankful for is my family, My second thankful thing is for my dog & puppies, lastley I am thankful for my friends those are the three things I am thankful for.


My weekend

                   Saturday, I went to my grandmas house and my cousins were there and together we built a fort in the trees. After that I went swimming with my cousin in an indoor pool then I went to my cousins house and we played video games.

Veterans Day

On Veterans Day, Americans take time to salute the men and women who have served in the U.S. military. November 11 is Veterans Day. Veterans day is about how people take their time and also their life just to keep us safe.

Sports I play

This year I am playing football I like this sport because you can tackle you can run the ball you can catch the ball and you can throw the ball. I also like this sport because it is fun to watch