


I like football because It’s the only american sport that you can tackle outside. Another reason why I like football is that there’s a lot of big offensive lineman. In football I play left tackle. Another reason why I like football is that you can go for a pass and catch it.




Another reason I like football is that they give you equipment so you can protect yourself. Another reason why I play football is because my uncle Mike said “you should play football” and I did. Football I Love to block my  guy on offense and on defence I get fumbles. So those are the reason why I like Football.



The end


My easter hunt. By thomas o’neill . first When i was 4 years old I went to a easter hunt 2 atchley. I was excited because there was 3,000 at one of the places!!! The other 1,500 at the other!!! I couldn’t calm down i was excited . i was at home  watching on my television and watched my favorite show spongebob squarepants for 3 hours and the whole interior time i was thinking about the easter hunts. It was about 11am and the first one was at 2pm and the second one was at 3pm . my family and i went to squier side. I had a pirate pancake it was good. My sister Abby had a pirate pancake too .My other sister Alex had scrambled eggs with toast  and butter . And me and Abby and Alex got ice cream. Middle     It was 12:30 pm in 1 hour and 30 minutes the first easter egg hunt would start at 2 pm so I was excited .I went to mcdonald’s and got chicken nuggets with fries and apples and a shamrock milkshake it was awesome . it was 1pm I was so so so so so so so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We head  home and got   are baskets. Me Alex and Abby were very was 1 thirty !!!! 30 minutes   until the first easter egg hunt started .me and my sisters head to the first easter egg hunt .it had 3,000 pieces of candy!!!! It was 1 45 !!!!! 15 minutes until the egg hunt started !!!! so me and my sisters went to the easter egg hunt and got ready . it  was 2 !!!!!!! I saw a lot of easter eggs so I got in line and the person said READY,SET,GO!!!!!! And i ran . I got twixs,skittles,starbursts,chocolates,smarties,lollipops,gummies,almonds,m a ms,and then I got a big chocolate bunny and then i   got a box of chocolates!!!!!!  I was surprised that a got a chocolate bunny and and a box of chocolates and And A LOT OF CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   When we were done all of the eggs were gone !!! i got apple juice after the easter egg hunt. Final when we were done with the first easter egg hunt, I counted my pieces . there were a lot of candy in my basket .then I realised that the next easter egg hunt would   start in 30 minutes!!!! It was 2 :30 so we went to the 2nd Easter egg hunt . it was different because if you got a egg with a tag that said,”you can pick a big prize which was in a car that had a lot of prizes and you can bick a big prize!!!!!!! I found out that that when you are done with the Easter egg hunt you get a stuff animal bunny and a legion coin!!!!!!!!!!! I got there it was 2:55!!!!! I quickly got in line and the Easter bunny said,”Ready,seat,Go!!!!!! And I got a lot of candy, I even got a egg that in the in side said,”go pick a big prize. I was happy that day and I will never forget the Easter egg hunts. The end !!!!!!!

The slide



Once there was a boy named Sheamus . He lived in Ireland.He also lived in a neighborhood with  a lot of kids  in it .But Sheamus had a really good friend . But the problem was  he lived 20 minutes away!! Sheamus every day would walk down the hill, threw the town,over the river and in the woods. And one day Sheamus friend said,’’you need to get down here faster from school,’’ he said . so the next day sheamus and his friend thought that whole entire afternoon.Then Sheamus came up with a solution . They would make a waterslide!!!!! Wen Sheamus went to his house, he told everybody in the neighborhood.And everybody in the neighborhood helped make the water slide!!! It was 2 months until the slide was ready .And then it was ready!!! Sheamus was going to be the one to test it .Sheamus’s friend   friend was at  his house with a timer .Sheamus was was sillint and sheamus went down the hill.everybody from the neighborhood went down the hill with him!!! Everybody went thru the town,  over the river and into the woods and to  the woods. It took 40 seconds!!!!!     The end!!!!!

How the chameleon got his tail


 how  The Chameleon Got Its Tongue       by: Josh and Tommy


Once ago, in 129 A.D, the chameleon was walk along a trail and he was hungry. He was going to the giant banana tree. He had no idea how to get the bananas down. So he went to the king, king youngbull. Chameleon said, “Mr. youngbull, can you knock down the bananas for me, please!” youngbull replied, “sure thing squirt!” Then Youngbull went and gave the banana tree a punch, But a monkey came out of nowhere and said” these are MY bananas!! Get away knuckle heads!!” he said rudely.


The argument

The monkey said, “you’re gonna have to fight to get these bananas”. Said the rude monkey. The monkey added on, “right youngbull?!” youngbull replied, “yes the monkey’s right chameleon. You guys are going to fight on the beach at sundown.”The chameleon said “, I will be there for the bananas, I love them.”So then the chameleon and the Youngbull put posters all over the town saying” the fight of the century”. And everybody saw it and gathered around chameleon.

The fight

The fight was on and there was no backing down. All the animals in town were there. It was time for the fight. The announcer counted down, “3…2….1…0!! The fight is on!” the monkey and the chameleon were fighting at once. The monkey started off with a kick in the chameleon’s stomach. Then the chameleon got his tail and his feet tangled to the monkey and they both fell to the ground. The monkey got up first and kicked the chameleon legs ,And made him do a backflip and went unconscious. When the chameleon woke up, he was as angry as steam. He went and headbut the monkey and the monkey was unconscious.


The tongue

When the monkey woke up, he was more angrier than the chameleon. He came up to the chameleon and pulled his tongue as long as he can and let it go. The chameleon fell in the ocean and he got all wet. He came out with many different colors. That is how chameleons change color, (but that’s another story). So that is how the chameleon got his tongue.


Isaiah Thomas Biography

Isaiah Thomas was born on February 7,1989 in Tacoma,Washington state.Isaiah Thomas has one sister named Chyna Thomas, but she died this year in a car incident .Also Isaiah Thomas has 2 sons named Jaiden Thomas and James Thomas.Also Isaiah Thomas’s dad is the legendary Isaiah Thomas from the 60’s.


I like Isaiah Thomas is because he is only 5’9 and always average like 30 points!!!!!!! Also Isaiah Thomas plays for the Boston Celtics [my favorite team] and he is also left handed.Isaiah Thomas teammates are Al Horford,Jaylen Brown,Jae Crowder,Avery Bradley,Marcus Smart,Kelly Olynyk,And a couple more

the end!!!!!Giant's Ballet C. J.™ via Compfight

The NBA Playoffs

People, the NBA playoffs are here.People all over the world come and watch the NBA playoffs.So her we go!



In the first round of the NBA western conference the Golden state Warriors swept the Portland Trail Blazers 4-0. Also the Utah Jazz squeaked by the Los Angels Clippers 4-3.Then the Houston Rockets beat the Oklahoma City Thunder 4-1.And then the San Antonio Spurs beat the Memphis Grizzles 4-2.


Then in the first round of the Eastern conference the Boston Celtics beat the Chicago Bulls 4-2.Also the Washington Wizards beat the Atlanta Hawks 4-3.Then the Toronto Raptors beat the Milwaukee Bucks 4-2.Then finally the Cleveland Cavilers swept the Indiana Pacers 4-0.

Then the schedule for the 2nd round of the western conference its the Warriors vs the Jazz. Then the spurs vs the Rockets.

Then for the eastern conference its the Celtics vs the Wizards. Then its the Cavilers vs the raptors.Golden State Warriors vs Toronto Raptors Florent Lamoureux via Compfight

George Washington

I think George Washington was the best president to ever live.George Washington rode with the soldiers of the revolutionary war on 1779.He also help write the declaration of Independence In Philadelphia 1788. After  the declaration of Independence people elected George Washington to be the first president of the united states of america in 1789.George Washington was born in Virginia in 1737.


Before George Washington


Before George  Washington people in the united states were ruled by England forever.Like England once sent tea to Boston. When the boat came people on the docks started throwing the tea of the ship because people in america didn’t want to by stuff from England!!! People started getting mad and people voted to get there freedom.So George Washington sent mail to England.And England said you had to fight. so america did and won and people wanted George Washington to be the first president and he did.After his term he died about 3 years later.And thats George Washington.

Dallas Cowboys

I think the Dallas cowboys are the best football team. They have 5 super bowl wins.They also have legends like Micheal Irvin and Emit Smith.This year the Dallas Cowboys were 13-3.


Dallas has had amazing plays like a super bowl win to the Bill’s 51-13.Dallas has two rookies that are very good. There name’s are Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott. Dak Prescott had only 5 interceptions . And Ezekiel Elliott had the most rushing yards with 1,657 yards.

Boston Celtics

The Boston Celtics I think are the best basketball team to ever play the game of basketball.They have the most championships with 17 .They had a lot of legends like Bill Russell and Larry Bird.Right now the Boston Celtics record this season is 39-20.


There starting best 3  line ups are point guard is Isaiah Thomas,Small forward is Jaylen Brown,And center Ali Ho ford.the end

FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One day the students at a school were bored.So,a group of students started a food fight.

the start

How it started was Josh threw a chicken patty at Jace . Then,Jace call the ROCK! the rock the a milk bottle at Josh’s head. Then every body joined in,and the food fight had started.


Iven dumped 2 bottles of whipped cream on Brandon.Then for some reason Carter threw a hoagie at the rock.Then Owen wen’t to the kitchen and got 7 pounds of skittles and dumped it on Mackenzie.Then it got crazy.


then the principal came in and everbody left. the end



Road Trip Burger arbyreed via Compfight