Summer's Blog

Thoughts need words, and words need power… -Sharon M. Draper

The Mysterious Macaroon Mystery #16STUBC

I am a pastry chef.  I own a bakery called Sweets By Summer.  The bakery is open Monday-Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  I still work at Sweets By Summer on Sundays, but it is not opened to the public.  I personally think it is worth it waking up at 4 in the morning to bake delectable treats.  But, on a sunny Sunday afternoon when I was going to check on my pastries, I noticed that something wasn’t right…  This is all I remember of that day…  

I slept in on that Sunday morning, until 8:00 a.m.  I wasn’t tired one bit.  That day I was going on a business trip out of town, but who would have known that?  Only my family knew, and they wouldn’t do such a thing.  They are too lazy, I think.  “Well, I never really told anyone else, so it must be someone from my family!,” I realized.

About a hour later I had gotten all ready for my long-lasting trip.  I stepped out of my urban apartment only to see enormous red and green Christmas lights tangled and hanging in my face.  Then I saw this woman in a black shirt, pants, gloves, socks and mask.  I felt her reach into my pockets as I was trying to struggle away.  Then the mysterious woman scurried into the elevator where I heard some faint giggles and a SHHHH!  There must have been two people!  The woman who snagged my keys had been in the range of 5 foot 9-6 feet tall.  She had brown hair.  In my mind I thought of some possible subjects:


5 foot 11

Brown hair with a few gray streaks

Older sister Danice:

6 feet

Blonde hair

Younger sister Anna:

5 foot 9

Brown hair

None of them could have just dyed their hair the brown color I saw.  But hair dye had been banned in New York since the 1980s because many people were having hair-dye fights and one accidentally squirted the mayor.  And no one was allowed to go out of state because of another stupid rule.  That rule was set because someone stole the mayor’s limo and drove to California.  So, the No Out of State Rule has been in action since 2002.  Who could possibly have any hair dye?!?

I shifted my focus to what needed to be done.  I called up those people on my phone exactly 2 minutes after that little incident.  As I was reaching my hand into my pocket for my phone I realized that my bakery keys were gone!  Just great.  So, the lady who reached her hand into my pocket must have taken my keys!

Danice came on time.  Well, she lives right across the hall from me.  Mom and Anna lived right next to me, together.  Maybe it was one of them.  Then I saw Anna sweating as she came swiftly over to where Danice and I were.  Mom came last with a red, nervous face.  Anna and Mom came through the elevator.  They live right next to me and are always home on Sundays, cleaning.  I knew something was up with them.  I checked Danice off my imaginary list and told her to go home.  Were Anna and Mom working together?  

“Where are my keys?,” I asked very suspiciously.  

Mom started talking in a jittery voice until Anna elbowed her, “Umm…  What keys?”

I saw something dangling from Mom’s pockets.  She must have noticed because she grabbed Anna by the arm and skidded across the hall and back into the elevator.  I quickly ran after her as fast as I could, but I didn’t make it in time.  The elevator door closed and a red light appeared above it.  We were on the 8th floor of the building.  There were 16 floors.  Where were they going?  By the time that slow elevator got back up to me I knew that they could be anywhere!

I wasn’t going to hesitate.  I ran to my door and tried to open it.  I was locked out!  “Only if I had my keys,” I thought to myself.

I guess that Mr. Kinley (the janitor) had heard it.  He had every key to every door in the building- which was a lot.  “Need help?,” he asked.

“Yes please.  You see my-,” I was cut off by Mr. Kinley.

“Just let me do my job.”

Mr. Kinley opened my door as I thanked him.  I ran over to my window.  I saw Mom and Anna dodging traffic and running toward the bakery across the street!  I had to go after them!  So, I shoved my way across the room and into the elevator that just got back up to my floor.  I got in it and pushed the button that took people to the lobby.

It took about a minute and thirty seconds.  I never felt so irritated in my life.  Why would they do this?  I had seen Mom stuffing my famous Cookies and Cream Macaroons into a black leather purse, while Anna was doing the same with a Walmart grocery bag.

They then saw Mom starting to eat them.  Anna ripped her plastic bag and ran across the street dropping macaroons.  Cars were squishing them.  Filling was all over the road.  I wanted to punch them.  But that would be wrong.  So, instead I did the right thing and called the police and told them about the problem.  I love my family, but I was too furious and annoyed at Anna and Mom that I forced myself to do it.

The police came in 28 seconds.  I watched Anna and Mom out of the corner of my eye as I was talking to the police about the situation.  Anna was crying, and Mom’s jaw just dropped.  The police got me my keys back and made them pay a fine of $500 to pay for all of the macaroons and the ingredients.  They also went to jail for 6 months.

“You’ll pay for this!,” I heard Mom scream out the police car window.

“Well, Mom, it looks like you’re the one paying!,”  I yelled back.

Picture from Pixabay.

Picture from Pixabay.


Brilliant Blogs #16STUBC Week 9


During the Student Blog Challenge, I have visited many blogs and commented.  But, there is one blog that stood out to me the most.  Thanumi’s Blog.

She has lots of amazing posts to read.  I think that she is a great writer.  Here are my favorite posts of hers, Week 1, Activity 2 – About me… , Week 7- Let’s Talk School – Our Unique Class Names! , and Week 6: My Visits To Other Blogs… .

I also really like her blog theme.  It is bright, colorful, and welcoming to people.  Her awesome tagline quotes:

Our life is like a garden……..

It is our duty to make our life success by learning….


She has really well thought out posts for me to comment on.  And, when I comment on her page, she comes and comments on mine.  That is one reason why I love her blog so much.  I think that she should be nominated for an Eddy Award because of all this.  And, I also gave her an award myself:

Congratulations! You won the Brilliant Blogger Award! Picture from Pixabay.

Congratulations! You won the Brilliant Blogger Award! Picture from Pixabay.

I made some other cool things that you can watch/do:

These are some other blogs that I really liked commenting and reading posts on:

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Happy blogging to everyone!


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What Is It Like In Your Community? #STUBC16 Week 8

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My Cardinal Community #STUBC16 Week 8

This is an Ostrich Community. Every Ostrich probably helps out. Picture from

This is an Ostrich Community. Every Ostrich probably helps out. Picture from

My community where I live is in the USA. This post is all about what I do in my community and when I do it.

On Monday I go to Blue Ball Elementary School for 6 hours and 30 minutes.  Girls On The Run is over for the season, so right after school I go can go home and relax.  Same with Tuesday.  Wednesday is my busiest day of the week.  First, I go to school.  Then, after school I go to my dance class at Signature Dance Studio.  I take a Jazz class.  Then sometimes I go to my friend, Leila’s, church for a lesson and activity.  Thursday is the same as Monday and Tuesday right now, and Friday.

At school I also play the clarinet.  It is very fun.  And my lesson days are on Mondays.

When you are in a community, for example, Signature Dance Studio, you are expected to be kind and always try your best.  That is the same for Girls On The Run.  Probably everyone in a community is expected to act like this.

Whoever lives or works in a community is very fortunate.  They are fortunate because they have some place where they can go and have fun.  In our houses we usually have food and water that helps us survive.  In our schools we can learn and talk/play with friends.

You can visit the Signature Dance Studio website with this link:

Visit our school’s website at:


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Fantastic 4th Grade Schedule #16STUBC

This week’s Student Blog Challenge is to tell the world about your school.  Below you will see many things that our school has and does and things like that.

Here is our schedule in 4th grade:

9:10- 9:40 a.m. Intervention-  but first we switch to our reading classes.  In Intervention we usually do Kidbiz while Mr. Geiman or Miss Lewis (our student teacher) teaches a group of students at the back table.  Kidbiz is a learning website where we read articles, answer questions, and write out Thought Questions.

9:40- 10:00 a.m.- Work on blogs and go commenting- at 9:40 the intervention group leaves and Mr. Geiman lets us work on our blogs and go commenting around the world.

10:00- 11:30 a.m. Groups-  at 10:00 a.m., we all break up into groups and go to stations.  I go to Independent first, Direct second, and Collaborative third.  Independent is when we do work on computers and paper alone.  Direct is when our group goes over to the desks closest to Mr. Geiman for direct instructions.  Collaborative is when we can talk to our partners and create a story together, but sometimes we make stories alone.  Each group is 30 minutes long.

11:30 a.m. Get ready to leave-  at 11:30 a.m.  we shut down our computers and get ready To leave Reading Class.  And switch back into our Homeroom Classes.

11:40 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. Specials- at 11:40 a.m. all of 4th Grade goes to our specials.  Specials are when students go to special rooms to learn special things.  Our specials are Music, P.E., S.T.E.M., Art, and Library.  Music is when we go to the Music Room and do stuff like sing, play instruments, and do music- related activities on paper and whiteboards.  In P.E., (Physical Education) we play all kinds of games in the Gym.  One of my favorite games is Hot Feet.  We usually play Hot Feet after the Pacer because it doesn’t involve a lot of running.  There are 2 teams in Hot Feet, they each get a side of the Gym.  Then the people on the teams try to throw foamy balls at the other team’s people knees down.  If you get caught, you go to a jail on the opposite side of the Gym that your team is on.  You have to catch a ball inside the jail to get out.  Then you can try to make a basket through the basketball net to get all the people in that jail out.  S.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, so we learn about that stuff.  4th Grade is currently learning about Electricity.  In Art we obviously do arty things like paint, color, draw, etc.  And then in Library we learn about books and stuff, and if you brought your books back from the last week, you can pick some more books to take home for the week.

12:25- 12:55 p.m. Social Studies, Science, or History- at 12:25 p.m. we come back from specials and learn about either Social Studies, Science, or History.  We stay in our Homerooms.

12:55- 1:05 p.m. Recess- we have a ten minute recess before lunch.

1:05- 1:25 p.m. Lunch- time to eat!  4th Grade has the latest lunch in the school.

1:30- 2:40 p.m. Math-  we switch to Math Class at this time.  We are about to start a new unit on Fractions.

2:40- 3:00 p.m. Break- Break is another longer recess that is 20 minutes long.

3:00- 3:20 p.m. Math- we come back in for some more of Math Class unless we were having indoor recess we would be having Break at this time and would already be done with Math Class.

3:30 p.m. Goodbye!-  School is over and it is time to go home.

How do you get to and back home from school?  I usually ride the School Bus.





How Do You Get To School? #16STUBC

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What is Your Favorite Thing About School? #16STUBC

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Creative Commenting Game!

I have been playing this commenting game for this week’s Student Blog Challenge.  Here are the blogs I went to and commented on:

  1.  First, I chose to go to Nikita’s Blo  Then, from there, I went to Lily’s Fantastic Fun Blog.  And lastly, I commented on Madison’s Halloween post.  I chose to comment on that post because I really liked the picture it had.
  2. The second set of blogs I visited was first, Sarah’s Blog.  Then, I saw Sydni on her blogroll, so I went to her blog.  Last, from her blogroll, I went and commented on Ocean’s Starbucks!!!  Starbucks!!!  I commented on that post because I also like Starbucks.
  3. The last set of blogs I visited was first, I went over to Molly’s Magical Blog.  From there, I went to Summer’s Amazing Blog.  And then I commented on Daisy’s Images- No Words because I love trying to find out what that stuff means.

#STUBC Week 6 2016

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