Summer's Blog

Thoughts need words, and words need power… -Sharon M. Draper

Blissful BFFs #STUBC17 Week 3

preview35 pieceBlissful BFFs

Ever wonder how to make and get a Jigsaw Planet Jigsaw Puzzle onto your blog?  Keep reading and you’ll find out how.  🙂

 Creating a Puzzle

          First, visit   Once you get there,  click on the “Create” button.  You don’t have to have an account to create a puzzle on that website.  That button should take you to a screen with puzzle piece shapes on it.  It will also have some other things on it.  Next, click the “Choose File” button and chose the file you want from your computer.  After you have done that, rename your puzzle.  Then, use the white square on the slide bar thing to signal to the computer how many puzzle pieces you want.  Next, choose the shape of the pieces by clicking on the dot under which design you want.  If you want your pieces to be able to rotate, check off the checkbox under the piece designs.  Add any tags you want.  Tags are how people find your things.  For example, If I wrote a post called “Beautiful Bunnies,” one of my tags might be “bunnies.”  Lastly, click “Create.”

Getting it Onto Your Blog

          When you hit the “Create” button, it will take you to a screen where you can try to put together your puzzle.  If you want to change the color of the background for your puzzle, click the button that looks like a gear and go into the section the says “Background.”  Pick a color.  Next, look near the top right corner of that page.  Their should be a drop down section that says “Share.”  Then, scroll your mouse over the button and then down to where it says “Embed.”  Click that button.  Next, copy the embed code that is near the middle of the screen.  Open up a new post or page on your blog and go over to the tab near the top of your post or page that says “Text.”  Lastly, paste the embed code into that box.



Star Wars GAME


Are you a fan of Star Wars?  If you answered yes, then this game is for you!  Here are the rules:

  1.  You are R2-D2.  You can use the arrows on your keyboard to move or the ones that appear on the screen.  Try to get the Puffer Pigs.  If you get a Puffer Pig, you will gain 300 points.
  2.  If you get a Mynock, 5 more Puffer Pigs will appear and you will get 1000 points and go faster.
  3.  If you get a Puffer Pig, you will gain 300 points.
  4.  If you get a Stormtrooper, you will lose 1000 points, a new background will appear, you will go slower, and 5 Puffer Pigs and 1 Mynock will appear.  The only way to get the other background back is to get a Mynock.
  5. If you get all of the Stormtroopers, you will lose 1000 points and a Probot will appear.
  6. If you get that Probot, the game will end and you will lose.
  7. If you get all of the Puffer Pigs, the game will end and you will win.

Happy playing!  🙂  (Click on the link to play)


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