Category Archives: STUBC#2

The Last Blog Challenge… ? (Did I Improve My Blog?)

                                                                    The last Blog Challenge ?


How many posts did you write?

I Wrote 58 posts

How many were school based, your own interests or set by the challenge?

School: 27 posts           Interest:   20 posts        Blog Challenge:  11 posts  

How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers or overseas students?

Classmates:18 comments Teacher’s:16 comments Oversea Students:26 comments

Which post received the most comments? Why do you think that happened?

My post, “About Me (Upgraded)” had 12 comments, I think this post had the most comments because a lot of people wanted to learn more about me and what I do,

Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?

I liked writing the post “Brittney and Emma (Chapter 1)” the best because I didn’t have to look up what I had to write and because I got to write it with one of my friends Emilee.

Did you change blog themes at all and why?

No, I didn’t because my blog theme goes with what I wrote under my blog name, and because my stories look good on the background that I have, so I didn’t change my blog theme even though I can’t get a Virtual pet.

How many widgets do you have? Do you think this is too many or not enough?

I have 18 Widgets on my blog! I think that is enough but you can have more than me because my blog doesn’t let me have all the widgets everybody else has though.

How many overseas students do you have on your blogroll?

5 Oversea Students

Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog?

I used Glitter Words, glitter words is a website you can use to write letters or reminders in glitter! I also used Toondoo Comics, Toondoo comics is a fun and easy way to make a comic to teach others or just for fun!  I also used Time.Is, Time.Is is a website where you can put your time and your date! The last thing I used was Canva, Canva is a fun and easy way to make something like a slideshow but it’s bigger and the words are a lot bigger on your blog!

See ya next year!!  ?

Have a good Summer!!! ???

History About World War II!! #17STUBC

STUBC WK 7 Blog Challenge!! #17STUBC

                                                                 Which Video Do I Prefer?


I prefer the 2nd video.


I prefer the second video because it gives you more information about the digital footprint, because it gives you information that the first video didn’t give you, and it digs deeper into what the digital footprint actually means.


Another reason why I prefer the second video because they actually give you an example of a person and how it works, and so we can figure out how we can figure out how people find your digital footprint and how you can find others.


Another reason why I prefer the second video because they actually made the video long and they told us the information instead of us reading it, cause if you can’t read those words fast enough you’ll miss the important parts of the video, I like that they tell it to us so we can understand it better.

Interview a Family Member! (My Dad) Week 5 Blog Challenge!! #STUBC17

What he likes to do for Fun:

  1. He likes to play sports
  2. He likes to watch his kids play sports
  3. He likes to spend time with his family


What he does with his Free Time:

  1. He likes to play sports
  2. He likes to watch his kids play sports
  3. He likes to spend time
  4. He likes to watch movies or read a book


What he does during the Weekend:

  1. He likes to mow his yard
  2. He likes to sleep in
  3. He likes to go to Church


What his job is like:

  1. He answers phone calls
  2. He takes orders
  3. He dispatches trucks
  4. He talks to coworkers


What Cultures he is familiar with:

  1. American
  2. Pennsylvania Dutch


What his Childhood was like:

  1. He played outside a lot
  2. He played a lot of sports
  3. He went on a lot of trips with his dad


My Amazing Avatar!!

What Sports Do You Play? (Padlet)

Made with Padlet

About Me A-Z! #17STUBC

A- I am Athletic


B- I like Bananas


C- My name Is Courtney


D- I have 2 Dogs


E-  I like Elephants


F- I am Funny


G- I like Giraffes


H- I am Helpful


I- I am Intresting


J- I am Joyful


K- I am Kind


L- I make people Laugh


M- I like to play Monopoly


N- I am Nice


O- I am Openminded


P- I like to Party


Q- I am Quiet (Sometimes)


R- I like to Run


S- I play Softball


T- I am Talented


U- I am Ultimate


V- I like Valentine’s Day


W- I am Wild


X- I am Xenial


Y- I am Young
Z- I am Zealous

Cake Puzzle!! #17STUBC

preview48 pieceCake Puzzle


Try to beat my score:  9 minutes and 9 seconds

Tell me in your comment how fast you did it!

Sentence Made of Just Pictures (No Words!) #STUBC17

1.       Pictures from:

How to Comment (Video)!!!!!