September 18

What peace is:                   By: Abigail moyer



What Is Peace? Well, peace is something that you have when there is no war, when everybody is calm, and has control. It is freedom from something bad. In peace, there is no trouble or worry.

           Peace is a very good feeling to have. It’s great to have peace with people rather than frustration and anger with them. Peace is something everyone should have. If we had peace with Everybody, then we wouldn’t have war. It would be wonderful. That is what peace means to me.

Posted September 18, 2018 by moyer180 in category Uncategorized

1 thoughts on “What peace is:                   By: Abigail moyer

  1. krock950

    Hi Abby, it is Elise, and I really like how you explained the way you feel about what peace means. Also, I wish you would have added a little bit more to your explanation because I thought that your story was very good, so you should write more about peace. I wonder if you try to have peace with everyone?

    Please come and comment on my blog!!! 🙂


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