May 16

The Unlucky Fortune Part 4

The Unlucky Fortune Part 4

If you haven’t read 1,2,or 3 then read them now or else you’ll be very confused.


  “Connor get Owen and come over to my hotel now. No questions asked.” So as Connor and Owen arrived, we started discussing what we were going to do about Isabella and Olivia. We decided that first we had to stick together.“Wait, Jackson can’t we just tell your dad about the situation.” suggested Owen. “Oh yeah, let’s tell my dad that we were paranormal hunters and were being chased by a crazy lady and we almost died. He’s going to believe us 100%.” I said sarcastically. “So what will we do!?!” exclaimed Connor.



As soon as Connor mentioned that nobody knew what to do. A split second later a cop pulled up right in front of us. “Have any of you seen these two girls?” He said in a very deep voice. Sure enough it was a picture of Isabella and Olivia. I answered “We didn’t see them lately but we were the kids that helped you guys arrest Izabell.” I also quoted “She said that Olivia and I will come back for you Owen, Connor, Ben and Ashton.” The cop responded and said “If they actually do come back for you, the first thing you should do is call us. “Got it” Owen replied. “What should we do Jackson.” Connor asked. Jackson replied “Go find Olivia and Isabella.” “How?” Owen said. “We go to where their last sighting was and we go there because they couldn’t have gotten too far, everyone agree.” Jackson replied. Everyone agreed but right after that they heard a scream, so they went to check it out.


They asked what happened and the girl said “I saw two girls and they looked like this.” She pulled a picture of them she took on her phone, it was a picture of Isabella and Olivia. So we asked which way they went and she gave us directions. We went the way she told us to, and we tried to sneak up on her. Sure enough they were standing there and Izabella said “ I told you we would meet again. I still want your fortune Jackson, and I won’t stop chasing you until I get it.” “ I would love to keep this splendid chat going, but I am going to use the restroom.” replied Jackson.


I had my phone on me, so I called the cops and told them where we were. They came immediately. Somehow they managed to escape. During her escape she said “ I still want you and your fortune.”

To Be Continued…

May 16

The Unlucky Fortune Part 2


The Unlucky Fortune Part 2

If you haven’t read The Unlucky Fortune please read that before you read this story or you will be very confused. Thanks!!! Please Leave a comment.


As the three of them faded into the darkness, I didn’t know what to do. So doing what I knew I shouldn’t have done, I chased after the worst villain in town. But when I did, Izzabella ran  out of the dark alley and freely walked away with my friends. She left a note that read “Here’s my address 8308 Locus Road, come and get them.” So I called a taxi and off I went. It came to an abrupt stop. I quickly hopped out as the taxi sped off and the driver yelled “ You are at great risk entering that property. Bye!!” He said in great fright. I entered the rickety house with caution.


The floor above creaked so I assumed that they were up there. There was a note on her door. It said “Go to Haywire Avenue if you want to see your friends again.” “Her and the notes.” I mumbled. So I went to Haywire Avenue and I told her,straight to her face “If you want my fortune come to the park at noon tomorrow,” She said,“ I’ll be there. But give me one good reason why you can’t give it to me now.” “I have things to do. See you at noon tomorrow. It has to be a swap for my friends though, ok Izabella?” She had to say yes to my huge fortune. So I left with certainty.


But with my time I called the cops and told them where she would be. They said they’d be in the bushes and trees all around me were members of the police. She arrived and was finally there waiting. So at noon I was standing there waiting for the best moment of my life. And hiding put into jail by Mr.Rodgers. I grabbed my friends and ran off to the hotel I was staying at. We decided that we couldn’t just live in a hotel, so we were gonna stay there for two more months until we could go to my dad. He hadn’t seen us in like a week and he was probably worried sick.


I got a text from Izabella that said “Don’t be too confident, you got away from me. I am coming for you as soon as I break out of jail. See you again Jackson.”

To Be Continued…

May 16

The Unlucky Fortune

The Unlucky Fortune


Saturday night Ben, Ashton and I were riding bike around the neighborhood. We decided to go down to my house. Apparently I was grounded.  I totally didn’t know that. At least that’s what I told my Dad. I had to go up to my room for the rest of the night for lying to my Dad. I had to sit there bored, disgusted and lifeless with nothing to do. I looked out the window and saw my friends playing. They went over to the park.


The next day I went to school. Ben and Ashton were absent. I had no idea where they were, until I opened my locker and a note from Ashton and Ben was laying right there. It said “Hey Jackson, we hopped on a train to New Jersey. We don’t know what we are going to do. Life will take us where we need to go. Sincerely, Ben and Ashton.” I had to go after them so, I had to find a way to get out of school. We were presenting our volcanoes today so I made mine over-smoke so that the fire alarm would go off and the water would start pouring out of the sprinklers. That is when I jumped out the window and got on the next train to New Jersey.


Ashton and Ben were already at New Jersey. Ashton texted me and said Ben and I heard a ghost train and now we are making a living of being paranormal hunters. I texted back and said where are you? Ashton responded and said Why do you need to know. I searched up paranormal hunters and their names popped up. It also had more information that included where they worked. So I rushed there right away. Their phone started ringing and there was a recent call on the phone. It said “There is a whole army of ghosts under the Manhattan Museum of Art. HELP!!!


I got there, but not in time. Ben and Ashton were hypnotized and fell right into the arms of the most wanted kidnapper in town. Her name was Isabella. She said “I’ve got your freinds and I won’t give them back until I get your fortune.”


                                  To Be Continued…  


May 12

TenderHill School for the Gifted Year 1 Part 1!!!

Connor,Luke and Ashton were all young apprentices in Tenderhill school of magic.  Ashton and Connor were in the class of black magic, and Luke was practicing in magic. Incase you aren’t familiar with these classes. Black magic is done with your hands, but magic is done with a wand, and words.  But there is a type of Purple Magic.  A magic above all others.  Well here is the story.  “ Come on Connor were going to be late for class!!!” said Ashton “Alright I’m coming. Let me get on my robes.”  just like that Connor appeared at the door way with a flick of his fingers. “Come on Luke!”  “YOU FORGOT YOUR SPELL BOOKS CONNOR” said Ashton  “I’ll see you guys later I guess.” Said Luke  “Hey Connor you promised I could practice on you tonight.”  “NO NO NO YOU CAN’T CONNOR, you know that we will get a major yelling if a magic spell, touches a person that is uses black magic” said Ashton  “Then go ahead and switch, But you’ve got to do a series of rituals.” replied Connor.   


“Well I’m going to class, oh no, he is here!” Shouted Ashton “WHO IS HERE!?!” questioned Connor  “Trey is here, you know the one who uses PURPLE MAGIC!!!”  “He has normal magic, black magic, and psychic ability!” answered Ashton. “Sorry to ruin the party guys but I’m out of here, Going to switch classes.” said Luke, anxiously.  “Why are you people out of class ANYWAY, you better get down, or…”he was cut off by the three of us scrambling out of the room and down the hall.  “HEY YOU CAN’T ESCAPE ME!  TELEMNIA!”  Poof! He teleported right to them. Then with a flick of his wrist he petrified us, right there.  “Now I have proof of your misbehaving problems . Should I say that you were messing around with magic and accidentally petrified yourselves. That’s a nifty way to get expelled isn’t it.”  “Year 2 spells aren’t that good. TELEMNIA is year 2? Wow!”  “Ya but when you use them right.” said trey slyly  Do you even know what year I am, year 5!”  “That’s it, ABRAKADABRA!” Yelled Luke  PEW! A magic bolt shot right at Trey.  “Wow worst spell in the book.”


“That doesn’t even AFFECT me anymore! I used a counter spell for that on me 2 years ago. No more electrocution for 4 hours straight.” said Trey.  “I’m sorry young wizards, but now it’s time to die. Just kidding, I will save that for latwersaz …”  “WHAT DO YOU THINK you’re DOING! YOU GET THREE GET TO CLASS!” said  up with  Professor Terrace.  Trey used an invisibility spell on himself, so he wouldn’t get caught.  “Turn your spell books to page 447.”  Said Prof.Terence.  “Today we will learn a new charm, the invisible shield charm.  Now you will be practicing this spell all seven years, because the more years you use this spell, the more powerful it becomes.  Now I will

put you into groups of 2.”  


All said by Prof.Terence.  “Oh shoot, who’s going to be with me?” Questioned Connor. “If Luke and Ashton are partnered, than who am I with?” Connor asked Prof. Terrace.  “You will be partnered with Megan Minkowski                                                                                                                                                .” he replied.  “This could work.”

To Be Continued…

April 25

Why I got Fired

Why I Got Fired

By: Luke K., Jackson C. and Connor B.      

Dear Diary,


I was in my cave hiding aggravated and was working overtime, at about quarter past 11:00pm.  I was trying to get a rat completely engulfed in flames. We humans were pretty dumb back in the day. As I was working in the light of two moons. Back when I was still in shape, the moment that changed everything just went on and it was all because of my experiment.I put sticks in a triangular shape and rubbed flint and steel together. I saw sparks go off or what I like to call them “fire bullets!”.,


I would the most important person in history, right after I took out the second moon. Just a hunch, if you haven’t figured out yet that was the big moment. It happened like this I threw the rat into the triangle of fire bullets.  The rat squealed in pain. My experiment went perfectly until the rat actually flew up into the sky and took out the second moon. I think it went at the speed of dinosaurs on taco Tuesday during rush hour. Or the speed of the Tyrannosaurus Rex when it was racing me. I definitely won. It wasn’t even close. If you asked the Tyrannosaurus Rex he would say otherwise though. I stole his meatloaf and then it wasn’t really a race for him anymore, it was more like eat this caveman for a midday snack.. True story.


The Justice Squad is a group of pterodactyls with the best motto ever. And it is “Justice Rains From Above.”  They are like the prehistoric day cops. They were about to arrested me for blowing up the second moon. Luckily part of the moon, blew up landed on the Justice Squad before they could arrest me. I ran away and well got fired.


March 24

Trout 5

Trout 5

The trout now have all of the fins and are still fingerlings.  They are now eating what I am told “fishy flakes”.  Because it is so humid here Mrs.Whitson now has to keep the temperature in the water at 50 degrees fahrenheit.  This is surprising she has 150 Trout in a tank that is only supposed to have 50 of them in it.  But it is so humid that it so hard to see the trout at all.  They also have about 3-4 bubble riders.  They also have a spine that goes right from behind their eye right too their tale fin.  This is what has been happening in Mrs. Whitson’s 2nd grade classroom.

March 21

Brook Trout Week 3

In Mrs. Whitson 2nd grade class they trout have now become frys and are at least an inch long or maybe less.  They have already absorbed their yolk sac and are now eat the fish food.Right now if they water in the tank is too hot then the trout inside will die.  Now they trout are learning to swim with their fins that they have grown while they were eating the yolk sac. They have 180 trout in the tank 150 are swimming 30 are hiding and they 2 bubble riders.  Which are the fish that swim on the bubbles.  Almost all of the trout have swam up so also they are out of the redd which means that they have left their nest.