Blog challenge week 5 My discription of the beach

Girl On Old Boat In Vietnam Trey Ratcliff via Compfight

B: Bright and Beautiful

E: Everlasting Waves

A: Amazing views

C: Chanting Volleyball players

H: High Sand Dumes


  1. This is really creative and cool. I enjoy reading about your blog and cant wait for more posts!

  2. Hi Janae, I’m Kelly Online from .
    If I had to describe a beach I would describe it the same way you deed because that was a perfect description. Very nice blog post. Keep up the good work.
    Kelly Online

  3. Hi Janae, I’m Kelly Online from .
    That is a very nice post that you did. Its really nice and relaxing. Keep up the good work.
    Kelly Online

  4. Hi Janae, it’s me Abby. I thought that this was a SUPER creative post! I also really like how you made different words to describe the beach, and how those words began with B, E, A, C, and H. I can’t wait for more of your amazing posts! Please visit my blog at Happy Blogging!?

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