Day: April 27, 2016

Blog challenge week 6 Top 5 food favorites in America

In America there are many food favorites.

The top food favorite in America is a ham or cheeseburger. A cheeseburger is like a sandwich but in stead of ham or bologna it has meat inside. You could include cheese, that is why it is called a cheeseburger. You could also include tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream, or even pickles. On top and bottom you add a bun/roll.

The second top food favorite in America is a hot dog. A hot dog is not made out of a dog. A hot dog is meat and is usually in a bun or bread to most. A hot dog could have many toppings. Some of the toppings include, Ketchup, mustered, and relish. Ketchup is made out of tomatoes. Mustered is a yellow substance that is delicious. Relish is a sweet delight. Inside the bottle you will find cooked pickles or chopped up vegetables and/or fruit.

The third top food favorite in America are french fries. Did you know that American eat about 2 million pounds of french fries each year? I know it is incredible! French Fries are potatoes sliced into strips.You could dip the french fries into Ketchup, mustered, and even mayonnaise. Every person is different.

The fourth top food favorite in america are Oreo cookies. Oreo’s are cookies that have cream inside. The outside is chocolate. So it is almost like a sandwich. They are amazing! Oreo’s are the top selling cookie in America.

The last but not least top food favorite in America is of course pizza. 94% of American eat pizza regularly. Americans rather have meat toppings then vegetables. Pizza has a bread base and has sauce, meat, cheese, pepperoni, vegetables, onions, mushrooms, technically anything you want. Pizza is absolutely the best.

There are plenty of favorite foods. What are your favorite foods? Where do you live? What is popular in you country?  I found this information at Top 10 American Favorite Foods


Cheeseburger    –       Image result for cheeseburger