Day: April 5, 2016

free write 4 -1-16

Q: Pretend that you are a rain drop. describe what see during your adventure through the water cycle.


I bet you already know this but I am a rain drop. My name is Kevin. I have tons of adventures. I fly. I fall. I evaporate. My favorite adventure is the one that involves a dog. So here it goes. It was a cloudy day.  I rose up from the sky. I felt so high. I then saw a cloud, I became the cloud. The next thing I knew I was falling. I was falling with some French, Brazil, and Spanish rain drops. I fell, and fell, and fell until I was on a dog’s nose! The dog started shaking and I flew up into the air.

Week 4 Blog Challenge Best 3 tourist attractions in the United States!

The first tourist attraction is Hershey Park. Hershey Park has amazing rides! Hershey Park is a family theme park. Don’t worry they have little kid rides too. They have 14 water rides and 13 roller coasters. Some of the roller coasters are Fahrenheit, Great Bear, Storm Runner, and much more. Some of the rides for young and old is the Ferris  wheel,  Monorail, and Sky view. Some of the little kid rides are Pony Parade, Merry Derry Dip Fun Slides, and the Mini Pirate. There are much more rides. Comment below if you have ever been there.

The second tourist attraction is The Grand Canyon. Did you know that the grand canyon is the 15th oldest national park? Did you know that the grand canyon is 277 river miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and a mile in depth? It was established February 26, 1919. You can get tours from the East, West, North, and South. They are excellent views. The North and South tours you ride in a helicopter. Sounds like fun! Doesn’t it? Comment below if you have been there!

The third awesome tourist attraction is Kanoebels. Kanoebels was born on July 4th, 1926. I can’t believe it has been 90 years since it opened! They have amazing rides. Like Hershey Park, they have younger kid rides and older kid rides. Some of the younger kid rides include, Pony carts, Sky slide, flying tigers, and so much more! Family rides can be fun. Some of the family rides include, Antique cars, Merry Mixer, Whipper, Italian trapeze, and so much more. The thrill rides (the older kid rides) include, Twister, wipeout, Phoenix, Impulse, Downdraft, Galleon, and so much more. By the way there are 2 water rides, Skalooosh, and the Giant Flume. There is also a campground. If you love Kanoebels so much and you want to go again then you can camp there. The campground is called Lake Glory. Comment below if you have been there. These are the 3 tourist attractions in the U.S that are the best in my eyes.

Week 2 Blog Challenge ~ Commenting Tips ~

Step 1.  Compliment the writer. Complimenting the writer will make the writer maybe want to visit your blog. Complimenting is a good thing to do anyway.


Step 2.  Add new information. If you add new information than your post would be more interesting. Other people that read your post could learn something new. New information can interest people. For an example you can say, did you know or something like that.


Step 3. Make a connection. Making connections can start a conversation. Making connections can look like this, one person can say that they like purple and you like the same color then say something, or if they like the same animal as you do then say something again.


Step 4. End with a question. If you end with a question then the person reading will most likely reply. An example for a question is, Have you ever been to Hershey Park? or Do you like the color purple? See the person reading will have to answer. My answer would be yes to both of them.


Step 5. Proof read your comment. If you proof read then you might find a mistake. Then you would fix the mistake. Then your comment will be awesome. To go even more extreme you can have a partner or the person next to you reread/proofread your comment to double check. By the way don’t have the same person you are commenting on because you should leave it a surprise.


Those are my commenting tips!