…….. Do Children watch too Much TV?

…………………………………………… By Trinity 

.. In my opinion I don’t think that children watch too much TV. I think that children don’t watch too much because nowadays children have all these other electronics. For example, kids have all these phones, tablets, etc. Most kids hardly watch TV. They especially don’t watch TV because once you get a phone or device you’re glued to it. And if one of your friends also have an electronic device you always text them or play a game with them. In my observations at my house my brother and his friends are always calling, texting, and face timing each other. And when my brother and I watch TV we hardly even pay attention to the TV, so we just turn it off. And if he does it other kids probably do the same thing.

.. Even kids in first grade or in preschool don’t watch a lot. Most of them already know of phones and other devices because our generation came in and phones were already very popular and so we got them. I also don’t think that parents should or need to restrict the amount of hours that children watch. I don’t think that they should because like I said kids hardly watch any TV. And part of this is because it starts to become boring watching the same shows over and over again. On TV they play an episode of a show in the morning or around noon and then they play they replay the same show in the afternoon. And because not everyone has “On Demand” they have to watch the same shows. And when they replay an episode most kids just turn it off (like me).

.. In case you didn’t know what what “On Demand” is it’s a TV system where you can watch any episode that’s not playing at the time instead of watching the shows again. Except not all the shows and episodes you want to watch are free. I disagree with the teachers and educational experts mostly because even parents probably watch more TV than children. I believe this because most dads are huge NFL and NBA fans and always watch the games especially when it’s the Superbowl. And the Superbowl is like two hours or more, which is a lot of TV. And because they don’t want to miss any part of it they start watching it early which is even more TV. There is also a lot more shows parents like, like Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D, etc. That’s why I don’t think that children watch too much TV.