………………………………………. Superheros

by: Sydni, Ella,  and Trinity

kk One day there were three ordinary people. One named Star another Ocean and the other one Elaina. They all were ordinary until one day. Star’s story started at a campsite. One day, Star and her family went camping. Like always they had a campfire and roasted marshmallows and made s’mores. This time Star was in charge of the campfire, and she had never done it before. While her dad, mom, and brother went to get more firewood she started it. And it didn’t go that well, she burnt her hand. Because of that right when her family got back they drove to the doctors. They said it was fine, but Star didn’t think it was. While drying her hands on a towel she put it on fire. And she didn’t even try doing it. Her power from now on was controlling and shooting power.That day her whole life was changed. Even her name is changed, now her name is Starfire.

.. Elaina’s story started when her mother told her she was bionic. She immediately freaked out of course. Who wouldn’t? She asked her mom why she hadn’t told her this before. She said she didn’t want her to use them, they can be very dangerous. She said she didn’t want me as a baby to shoot lasers out of my eyes. “ I can do that!” said Elaina. But unlike other superheroes, she had a normal name and a normal family and no one else in her family was bionic.  Also she looked normal. She didn’t have any gear or any other special things. She was just a normal person who happened to have some superpowers. Her mom also told her that she had super strength, super speed, and some others she doesn’t know about yet.

.. One day Ocean went to the beach with her family. She decided to go in the sea and she saw a hurt dolphin. So she swam out as fast as she could. When she got to the dolphin he wasn’t with his pod. She screamed trying to get someone’s attention so that they could help her with the dolphin but no one heard her. She swam back  and got a person that helps hurt animals and told her that a dolphin was in the ocean and it needed help.When the dolphin got better the dolphin told her that she could control water and is the queen of the ocean. She was so shocked that she told her family but they didn’t believe her so she  made the ocean have a big wave. And suddenly they believe her. That is how she got her powers.

.. All of these girls are very unique and different in their own way. And that’s also why they work very well we each other. When they met each other it was a big coincidence because they all went to the mall at the same time and the same day. It happened when their moms told them each to stay outside of the store and wait for them. While waiting all the girls were texting, and because they weren’t paying attention they bumped into each other.Then all of their phones flew. Elaina couldn’t take losing her phone and tried to save it but she was to far away to save it. She really wanted to and suddenly it started floating. She knew that had to be a superpower. She had to be quick and use it though because she didn’t want anyone to see. Especially the people that had just bumped into her. Suddenly she realized it wasn’t her doing that, she turned around and someone in a black hoody was levitating the phone toward her. She said her name was Claire.

.. Claire walked up to them and asked ,“  What are you doing here, leave or else! All of them just ran to their mom and said “let’s go right now”. But they weren’t quick enough so Claire locked them in the store. The store was called Claire’s. Claire had all the powers in the world.  They had to stay in their until the police came to get them out. When they finally got out they all went home because they were scared of Claire. But after talking for so long they figured out that they all had super powers and should get together sometime to practice using them. They decided to have a sleepover and practice. They had no idea what happened to Claire though. They had the sleepover at Elaina’s house. And while they practiced their powers they had to be cautious because Elaina had three younger siblings. Her siblings were Ellie, Eva, and Emma. They were all five years old because they were triplets. And her siblings didn’t know that Star and Ocean had powers. They had the sleepover without the triplets knowing and practiced. The next day they defeated Claire.   TO BE CONTINUED……..