In Sharing Creative Works: An Illustrated (and Narrated) Primer I learned that attribution is when you share a photo, video, etc and you get permission from the owner(s). And you are using the photo for free and legally. Licenses are what tells you if the photo is free or not. And it is a document that states what you’re able to do with it. I also learned that share alike is when you share a photo with someone and they change something about it.

    While doing share alike you the owner needs to be okay with the fact that sharing your picture gives the other person permission. The person you give permission to could also sell the picture for money. Something else I learned about was fair use. Fair use is the copyright law that allows the person using it to make a parody of it without the permission of the owner. And lastly I learned that derivative is when the person who wants to use it is disapproved by the owner. That’s what I learned from watching the video.