The Pennsylvania climate change affects many things. It even affects us as humans because our climate keeps rising in heat. By 2050 it will be 5.4 degrees more than it was in 2000. Think about it if it was 2100 it would be 10.8 degrees more than it was in 2000, and if it kept going on and on and on imagine how hot it would be! The heat will and could create more air-borne diseases such as Lyme disease. More pests will come and can reduce the number of crops such as sweet corn and Concord grapes.

The climate change can also affect cows from producing milk because of heat stress.The climate change can also make trees and plants vanish from our state because of the different weather. That could happen to trees like sugar maple trees. Also lots of animals could loose their habitats including birds. It could have more of a chance to have weather conditions like floods. This can threat safe water for drinking. If you want to learn more click here.
