The blogs I visited were , ,   and . On each blog I commented on their how to write a comment posts. I did this because I wanted to see what they each did differently.

The comments I left were Hi Abbey,
My name is Trinity and I’m participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. I really like how you put some tips for people who haven’t commented before. On my blog I made a power point about commenting. I think leaving your blog url is the most important thing in a comment. What do you think is the most important thing in a comment? Please visit my blog at . One was Hi Darcey,
My name is Trinity and I’m participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. I really like how you also made a poster on commenting. Could you please leave the link because it sounds very interesting. On my blog instead of a post and poster I decided to make a google slide/ power point. I think leaving your url is the most important part because then the person who you commented on can visit your blog and you can communicate with each other. Which one do you think is the most important to include and why? Please visit my blog at .
Another one was Hi Kat,
My name is Trinity and I’m participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. I really like how you were creative on making the poster. You were also creative with the slides not only did you put a lot of visuals, but you also wrote a lot. On my blog I also made slides. How did you make a poster? Please visit my blog at . And the last one was Hi,
My name is Trinity and I’m participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. I like how you were comparing how it is in a classroom and how it is on a blog. I think something else that could help communicating in a comment is asking a question in your comment what do you think? Please visit my blog at . P.S. if you want to know which comment goes with which look at the colors.