Week 2 Blog Challenge: Protect the Places we Love

A place I love that we should protect is Myrtle Beach. Myrtle Beach is located on the southeast coast in the United States in South Carolina. A reason why we need to protect Myrtle Beach is because the ocean is polluted. Some people don’t care about the ocean and just throw their trash in the ocean. Even if they throw it right on the shore it’ll eventually get out deeper and deeper. That’s a problem because let’s say someone threw a plastic bag in the water and a sea turtle comes along most likely the Sea Turtle will think it’s a jellyfish and eat it.

Eating the plastic bag is obviously bad for the Sea Turtle, and it’s the same with other animals in the ocean. Think about it if we keep polluting any animal could think it’s food and they may not survive. Not only does it affect animals it affects us. It affects us because lots of people including me love swimming in the ocean, and the pollution isn’t only bad for animals. We don’t accidentally eat the pollution, but there is still water pollution that by just going in the ocean we could get sick.

The most common water pollution is gastrointestinal. Gastrointestinal is from bacteria and virus. Myrtle beach also has problems with their climate. It has problems with the climate because last year in 2015 they had a major flood. Because of the flood people in Myrtle Beach had to time their time they spent on the beach. And even though it already happened it could happen again. To learn more about the erosion click here. To learn more about the pollution click here.

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Visiting Other Blogs

The blogs I visited were http://abbeyr604.edublogs.org/my-blog-guidelines/ ,   http://darceyw21.edublogs.org/2015/10/14/student-blogging-challenge-commenting/   http://thewarriorkat.edublogs.org/2014/09/26/scourge-of-blogosphere-on-the-loose-2/#.VCXTc_ldV8E/ ,   and http://vanderheiden.edublogs.org/2014/09/01/comments/ . On each blog I commented on their how to write a comment posts. I did this because I wanted to see what they each did differently.

The comments I left were Hi Abbey,
My name is Trinity and I’m participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. I really like how you put some tips for people who haven’t commented before. On my blog I made a power point about commenting. I think leaving your blog url is the most important thing in a comment. What do you think is the most important thing in a comment? Please visit my blog at http://blog.elanco.org/xiongo8o/ . One was Hi Darcey,
My name is Trinity and I’m participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. I really like how you also made a poster on commenting. Could you please leave the link because it sounds very interesting. On my blog instead of a post and poster I decided to make a google slide/ power point. I think leaving your url is the most important part because then the person who you commented on can visit your blog and you can communicate with each other. Which one do you think is the most important to include and why? Please visit my blog at http://blog.elanco.org/xiongo8o/ .
Another one was Hi Kat,
My name is Trinity and I’m participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. I really like how you were creative on making the poster. You were also creative with the slides not only did you put a lot of visuals, but you also wrote a lot. On my blog I also made slides. How did you make a poster? Please visit my blog at http://blog.elanco.org/xiongo8o/ . And the last one was Hi,
My name is Trinity and I’m participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. I like how you were comparing how it is in a classroom and how it is on a blog. I think something else that could help communicating in a comment is asking a question in your comment what do you think? Please visit my blog at http://blog.elanco.org/xiongo8o/ . P.S. if you want to know which comment goes with which look at the colors.


Scratch Jeopardy

READ THIS PART FIRST: First, click the green flag to start. After that, click the space bar and Gobo will talk. Then, press the down arrow and then up arrow. Next, click the right arrow and then left arrow. Last, click “a” then Harry will move and if you want Harry to go back to where he was click “b”. And if you ever want to stop it just press the red octagon that looks like a stop sign.

This post was inspired by Rayne. You can make one yourself here.