My Trip to Cancun  by Trinity          


     Last summer I went to Cancun and I had a blast. Cancun is in Mexico and it is very hot there. To get there we took a plane. The airport we went to was in Baltimore we would’ve gone to a closer airport, but closer airports didn’t have a flight to Cancun. To get on the plane we had to wait for a long time. When we got on I got to sit next to my mom, and my brother got to sit next to my dad. On the plane they gave us pretzels and drinks. On the way to Cancun it took about three or more hours. Since it was that long I brought my tablet and played it on the plane most of the time. For a couple minutes I was asleep because I had two get up early in the morning. When we arrived in Cancun we waited for a van to take us to our hotel.

      When the guy dropped us off at our hotel Oasis Palm Resort we were really early, so we couldn’t check in. We at least got our bracelets, so we could play in the pool and eat there. The bracelets let us get our food without having to pay for everything every time. It was like free, but it really wasn’t free my parents paid ahead of time for the bracelets. My brother and I just couldn’t wait to get checked in so we could go in the ocean and play in the pool. While we were waiting we got fries and burgers. Then my parents wanted to eat at a breakfast place in the hotel.

       “ If we’re eating at a breakfast place then why did we get fries and burgers?” my brother asked. “ Why didn’t we just eat at one place?”                                                           

       “ We got both because we didn’t know that they had breakfast restaurants here.” my dad explained.

      My brother and I were both complaining about how hot it was and why we couldn’t go in the pool or ocean yet. My parents told us because since we didn’t get our room yet we couldn’t change. It was so hot even inside the building, and I was burning because in East Earl it is hot during the summer but not as hot as Cancun. The restaurant we went to was inside the hotel. At the restaurant they had bacon, regular sausage, spicy sausage, mini potatoes, salads, mini pancakes, cereal, and fruits. For drinks they had pepsi, sprite, water, and other pepsi products. I got most of the things, but I didn’t get a salad or the spicy things. I also didn’t finish all my food and I didn’t finish my burger either. When we finished eating it time to check in, so my parents checked us in and got the keycard for the room.

      “ Can we go to pool now we have the room now?” I questioned.                                                                                                                        

      “ Not yet we still need to find our room and get our bathing suits on, but after that we can.” my mom said.

     My brother Chandler and I were so glad it was finally time. When we found our room and put on our bathing suits we went back down the elevator we went to the beach first. My brother and I went in the ocean before my parents. When my parents came in they saw a blue fish in the water. The ocean we went in was a low tide ocean, that means the ocean has very little waves. We had to go back to our room because it was already three and we needed to eat lunch or dinner. We had to take showers because we just got out of the ocean and we were soaking wet.

      So we took our showers and went to lunch. They had all these soups, meat, vegetables, and more food. After eating we walked on the beach and we saw emus and peacocks. I have a bad background of peacocks because when I was small at the Philadelphia zoo peacocks roamed and would always chase me. The next day we went to the pool. In the pool we just wanted to relax in it. We went in the pool without a juice bar because there were way too many people in the pool with the juice bar. My parents had to switch who was in the water because they didn’t want anyone to steal their phones. After swimming we tried another restaurant near us. The place we went to had sushi it was pretty good.

    We had to wait in the line for a long time though. At night they had a show with fire and we got to watch it. They had people hula hooping with rings of fire and my brother thinks that the fire was fake, but I am not sure if he is right or wrong. We left early because we didn’t want to have to be pushed into the elevator. The next couple days they didn’t have anything that special, so we just played in the sand, beach, and pool most times. Our first excursion we went on was to Chi chi iesta one of the wonders of the world there they have a really big pyramid, what kids used to do for fun in the ancient times. One thing they told us was that each year they would have a sport that is like basketball, but it has a circle ring and you have to shoot the ball through it.

     The crazy thing was that the winners of the game gave their spirits to their sacred gods or something and otherwise the will be punished for winning. They didn’t think it was punishment because they believed that when they die they come back to earth in a different body or figure. There was no shade there, so it was even hotter than it was at our hotel. Another excursion we went to was Xel-Ha at that place we got to go scuba diving, do a lazy river thing like when you sit in a tube above the water and relax, water park like activities, and obstacle courses above the water. I liked doing these things, but my favorite thing to do was there was a swing and you held on and you fell into the water.                                                                                                                                           I      My last day in Cancun was crazy we had to pack all of our things and get ready for the van to pick us up and take us to the airport. The plane flight home I stayed up the whole time, but at one point my whole family was asleep except for me. It felt like the plane ride there was longer than the plane ride back. My trip to Cancun was my favorite time spent with my family because we were together having fun and at the same time relaxing a little bit.