Passion Blog- The Wage Gap

Have you ever heard of the wage gap? If not then i'm about to overload your brain with something that profusely infuriates me...

Women are nearly half the workforce. They are the sole income in half of American families with children. They receive more college and graduate degrees then men. However, on average, women continue to earn a great deal less then men for the same job. If you were wondering how big the difference in pay is, put this in perspective: for every dollar a man makes a woman makes a mere 82 cents. That's a gender wage gape of nearly 20 percent! This statistic may even be understating the degree of pay inequality; an Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the earnings of both men and women over 15 years found that women made just half (49%) of what men made.

In nearly every occupation for which there is substantial earnings data for both men and women to come up with a complete earnings ratio, women earn less than men. In jobs mainly done by women research found that women only made 66% of what men make in jobs done mainly by men. Another significant feature in work life is that its not just discrimination against sex, its outright discrimination against race as well. IWPR came out with a report on sex and race inequity in the workplace, it talked about how partiality in pay, hiring, or promotions continues to be a substantial feature of work life. 

IWPR also tracks the gap over time and updates it twice a year, based on the facts, if change continues to progress as slowly as it is currently moving, it will take 40 years for women to finally get equal pay. Just wait, It gets worse. For women of color, it will take 100 years for equal pay, and for Hispanic women it's going to take a whopping 205 years.

The reasons for the gap are multi-faceted. Women have taken great steps during the past few decades through moving into workplaces predominantly done exclusively by men. However, the lack of women in these jobs due to occupational segregation has been a top contributor to the wage gap. 

Closing the wage gap would also help our economy. According to a recent federal analysis of data, equal pay would cut poverty among women and their families by over half and add $513 billion to the national economy.

In conclusion, this particular act of segregation is extremely frustrating to me and all working women in society. We need change, and we need it before the year 2224.

One thought on “Passion Blog- The Wage Gap”

  1. This is an injustice, if we women make up nearly half of the work force we should get equal pay. Good work on this!

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