News Article: Benefits of Veganism

Some benefits of the vegan diet:

If you switch to a vegan diet there are many benefits to both the environment and you! When making the conversion you will begin to rely heavily on other whole foods such as grains, vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Several studies have proven that vegan diets tend to provide more fiber, antioxidants, and beneficial plant compounds. Vegans also get an abundance of potassium, magnesium, folate and vitamins A, C, and E. According to the World Health Organization, about one-third of all cancers can be prevented by factors within your control, including diet. For instance, eating legumes regularly may reduce your risk of colorectal cancer by about 9–18%. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and fiber is linked to a lower risk of heart disease, and Vegans may also have up to a 42% lower risk of dying from heart disease. If you’re on a vegan diet you will also be helping the environment because when you don’t eat meat you release less methane into the atmosphere, you also will not be contributing to the amount of waste of water and food that goes into raising animals to kill. In conclusion going vegan is a great choice if you want to lead a more environmentally friendly life.

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