My favorite holiday


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 1, 2019

Well in my other story I wrote about my favorite holiday, so I am just going to write about my second favorite holiday which would happen to be Thanksgiving!! Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday because I just love the fact that me, my family and my cousins get together every single year for Thanksgiving.  Me and my family always bring like mashed potatoes or something else to the dinner. We usually have dinner at my grandma and grandpa’s house, but sometimes we have dinner at my cousins house, but we usually just have it at my grandma and grandpa’s house on Thanksgiving. I also love Thanksgiving because when we have the Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma and grandpa’s house every single person writes down what they want for Christmas and then pulls a person’s name out of the basket or out of a hat and then that person has to get the person’s name they pulled out of the basket or hat and then has to get them some of the things that were on their Christmas list for Christmas. So it is basically like a secret santa kind of thing.

Thanksgiving is also just a time to enjoy getting together with your family and have dinner, tell stories and just enjoy that special time with your family. That is why I love thanksgiving and that is also why it is my second favorite holiday out of all of the holidays. For all of these reasons, this is why Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday out of all of them.

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