New Year’s Resolutions


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 3, 2020

I have a couple New Year resolutions, but there are two of them that are the things that I want to focus the most on and are the things that are the most important to me. The first one that I want to focus on more is eating healthier. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to eat healthier because I want to be a healthy person. Also, I eat junk food a lot, so I don’t want to get fat and not be able to do a lot of things because I’m not healthy and do not have a lot of energy because I’m not eating that healthy of things. The thing that makes me want to eat healthier, is that I want to be a healthy person and be able to do most things without getting tired so quickly.

My second New Year’s resolution is that I want to exercise more. My second New Year’s resolution is that I want to exercise more because I want to be healthy. I also would like to exercise more because I want to be able to lift things that are heavier, that I can’t lift very easily now. I also want to exercise more because then I can be more energized to to more things like playing sports. I play field hockey, so I want to be in shape, and if I’m not in shape, then I might not be able to field hockey very well. For all of these reasons, these are my two New Year’s resolutions for this year.

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