Why you should read the book “Bridge to Terabithia”


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 20, 2020

I think that you should read the book “Bridge to Terabithia.” One reason is because when I read the book in my ELA class, I really enjoyed it and I thought you would too. I really enjoyed the book because it was really entertaining and interesting. It was also very imaginative. The book had a lot of imagination in it. I also liked the book because it’s all about friendship and how Leslie and Jess did everything together and they were the best of friends.

Another reason on why I think that you should read the book “Bridge to Terabithia,” is because something tragic happens at the end that changes everything for Jess. Jess and Leslie create their own imaginary place called Terabithia. Terabithia is the place where they can just imagine and have fun. It’s also a place where they can hang out, relax and just have a good time. They swing across their “magical” rope to get to Terabithia. Leslie is the queen of Terabithia, Jess is the king, and their little puppy Prince Terrian is the little prince/ guard. “Bridge to Terabithia” is probably one of the best books that I have ever read. For all of these reasons, this is why I think that you should read the book “Bridge to Terabithia.”

My Sunday Routine


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 20, 2020

Well I basically have two Sunday routines. One at my dads and one at my moms. I’m going to start off with the one at my dads. So when I’m at my dads, I wake up from 9-10 am and then when i’m awake, I check my phone and then get up. Then, I go downstairs and eat breakfast. After that, I get ready for the day by getting my outfit on, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and then I go back upstairs to my room. Sometimes my dog Pearl, opens my bedroom door and starts begging for me to play with her, so I do. I go downstairs into the living room and play with her for a little bit, and then I go to my room. We normally go out to eat when we’re at my dads, so normally we would go out for lunch, and then my dad would take me and my sister back to my moms house at 4.00 pm.

This is my Sunday routine when I’m at my moms house. So I wake up at 7:00 am and then I check my phone. After that, I start to get ready for church. I get my outfit and shoes on, I eat breakfast, brush my hair, brush my teeth, and then get all of my stuff together, so that i’m ready to go when my mom and stepdad want to leave. After church is done, sometimes we go out to eat, sometimes there is a meal at my church, and sometimes we just eat at home. Once we get home, I get out of my church clothes and change into something else more comfy. At 5 pm, we go to my grandma and grandpa’s house for dinner. When we get home from my grandma and grandpa’s house, I get in my pajamas, take a shower, get all of my stuff ready for school the next day, and then go to bed. For all of these reasons, this is my Sunday routine at my mom and my dads house.

New Year’s Resolutions


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 3, 2020

I have a couple New Year resolutions, but there are two of them that are the things that I want to focus the most on and are the things that are the most important to me. The first one that I want to focus on more is eating healthier. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to eat healthier because I want to be a healthy person. Also, I eat junk food a lot, so I don’t want to get fat and not be able to do a lot of things because I’m not healthy and do not have a lot of energy because I’m not eating that healthy of things. The thing that makes me want to eat healthier, is that I want to be a healthy person and be able to do most things without getting tired so quickly.

My second New Year’s resolution is that I want to exercise more. My second New Year’s resolution is that I want to exercise more because I want to be healthy. I also would like to exercise more because I want to be able to lift things that are heavier, that I can’t lift very easily now. I also want to exercise more because then I can be more energized to to more things like playing sports. I play field hockey, so I want to be in shape, and if I’m not in shape, then I might not be able to field hockey very well. For all of these reasons, these are my two New Year’s resolutions for this year.

Where in the world I would like to travel to if I could


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 23, 2019

If I could travel to any place in the world, I would travel to Spain. One reason that I would like to travel to Spain is because my Great- Great- Great -Great grandma is from Spain. Another reason that I would like to travel to Spain is because I would like to learn what traditions they have in Spain. Another reason that I would like to travel to Spain is because I would like to taste all of the food that they have in Spain. The last reason that I would like to travel to Spain is because I heard that Spain has a lot of festivals and stuff, so I would also like to go to those as well. For all of these reasons, this is why if I could travel to any place in the world it would be Spain.

My favorite holiday


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 1, 2019

Well in my other story I wrote about my favorite holiday, so I am just going to write about my second favorite holiday which would happen to be Thanksgiving!! Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday because I just love the fact that me, my family and my cousins get together every single year for Thanksgiving.  Me and my family always bring like mashed potatoes or something else to the dinner. We usually have dinner at my grandma and grandpa’s house, but sometimes we have dinner at my cousins house, but we usually just have it at my grandma and grandpa’s house on Thanksgiving. I also love Thanksgiving because when we have the Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma and grandpa’s house every single person writes down what they want for Christmas and then pulls a person’s name out of the basket or out of a hat and then that person has to get the person’s name they pulled out of the basket or hat and then has to get them some of the things that were on their Christmas list for Christmas. So it is basically like a secret santa kind of thing.

Thanksgiving is also just a time to enjoy getting together with your family and have dinner, tell stories and just enjoy that special time with your family. That is why I love thanksgiving and that is also why it is my second favorite holiday out of all of the holidays. For all of these reasons, this is why Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday out of all of them.



Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 27, 2018

The trout are getting BIGGER!!They are getting their red fins.They are changing a little in their behavior because they are starting to get a little more aggressive with each other since they are getting bigger now.

Trout in the classroom


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 9, 2018

The trout are doing fine and they are finally fingerlings which is about the size of your pinkie.They have their parr marks.You can tell if a storm is coming if you look at the trout or different kind of fish if they are at the bottom of the tank then that means that rain or a storm is coming.



Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 31, 2018

Christmas is on Monday and I can not wait for it.Christmas is my favorite time of year.Christmas is my favorite time of year because we celebrate jesus’ birth and we get to spend time with our families and friends.There is another part of Christmas and that is we get to open presents on Christmas day!and we all know that is an exciting thing to do.We get together at my Grandma’s house for breakfast and open presents there.Then I go to my dad’s on Christmas eve and sleep over at his house and then in the morning we start opening presents there.Then we go home to my mom’s house and eat dinner.

Google VR/Expeditions


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 31, 2018

It was so fun to do the VR because when you do it,its like you are there right with the picture and when you look down it is kind of scary because it is like you are falling down.It was so cool to do this.There
is also a selfie stick with a phone in it and it is also like you are there and you can carry it around and the picture moves with you.It was so so so so fun to do this and I hope I can do this again someday.

The Titanic


Posted by myersebbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 13, 2017

By:Emily Myers The Titanic once,a long time ago on April 14,1912,the Titanic hit the iceberg.that was a terrible thing that had happened that night.Almost no one survived that night when the Titanic sank,but I (Emily Myers) saved 12 people,5 puppies and a old guy and his wife.I was 20 years old when I was on the titanic when it left in Southampton and when it sank.It was a normal night and then BOOM the titanic hit the Iceberg.Everybody was sleeping,and then I woke up and rang the loud bell!Everybody woke up and I yelled “everybody on a lifeboat,we are about to hit an iceberg”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Everybody screamed “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH” “SHUSH people”I said”It’s fine.” As long as we are all alright,we will get through it,if we all be quiet.ok now everybody can start screaming because the ship is sinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Off the ship NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!.Ok everybody calm down it is alright.Now let’s go on the lifeboat.”
one by one and then out of nowhere,all I heared was “CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME SAVE ME AND MY FAMILY!”.We will be right there to help you.OK now let’s go save the family of 12 people,5 puppies and a old guy and his wife.” so I went to go save them because they were in a room and the door was locked because somebody locked it.so,they couldn’t get out of the room,and I got something big and heavy.I jammed the door open and saved them all.then we all got on a lifeboat and sailed away into the Ocean.Then it was like at least a year till we got to shore.When we got to shore we all said”yay we are finally on land after I don’t know it was like a year and how they survived is they huddled together to stay warm.then we got to shore and said How we survived is that a Huge ship came and picked us up and gave us delicious food until we got to shore in NEW YORK CITY.We were so glad that we finally made it to New york city safely.”thank goodness we are all safe”I said.Then someone came up to us and said”hey what are you guys doing out here alone?.” “well it is a long story”said the Old man and his wife.2 years later all of them seperated in New York City.And I got an apartment and I am going to stay there for the rest of my life.
By:Emily Myers

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