Fantasy Stories: Fighting Fire

Fire SchoolCreative Commons License USFS Region 5 via Compfight

This week we will be writing a fantasy story about fighting fires. We are currently reading a story called Smoke Jumpers.  A smokejumper is a wildland firefighter who parachutes into a remote area to combat wildfires.  Fighting fires is a dangerous job so we would like to showcase this amazing profession by writing fictional fantasy stories about fighting fires while incorporating facts and details about the actual profession and what goes into fighting fires.   We love when you come and visit our blog pages, read our stories and leave us comments.  The writing process comes alive and is tangible for the students when you leave them with your thoughts.  Feel free to leave a comment and maybe even a suggestion or two.  Thank you again for visiting and Happy Blogging ?

Below are the key features of a fantasy story.

Key features of a fantasy story include:

    • May have characters doing things they cannot do in the real world
    • Describes events that couldn’t happen in the real world.
    • May have a setting that does not exist in the real world.
    • May be written to seem almost real.  
    • May have a tone of happiness, nostalgia, or danger.  


What is a Hotshot? Watch the video below:

My students are very excited to write fantasy stories about fighting fires.  We will be working on our stories all week and would love if you could come visit and leave comments on our blogs.

Global Visitors:



  1. Hey, Mr.Arena,


    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙂 🙂 🙁 🙁 🙂 🙁 !

  2. Hi Mr. Arena it’s me Ashlyn and I really like how you added the video thing so that we actually know what the fighting fires job is actually like and as I know, pictures do the subject no justice. I really like your picture of the classroom at the top! (The lights are a big hit in real life.) Please visit my blog at and leave a comment! Bye!!!!

  3. Hi Mr. Arena, Mr. Geiman wanted me to say this to you: MAKE MORE POSTS AND YOU WILL GET MORE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?? Anyway, I like that you put a video up to show what your class is writing about and I wish that you would have put other posts about the student blog challenge! I wonder if your class is even doing the student blog challenge!?

    Please tell your students and yourself to please come and comment on my blog!!! 🙂

  4. Hi Mr. Arena Its Drew I liked the video. I wish you would do more videos. I wonder why you pick hot shots? Have a great summer.

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