October 17

Were to travel to.

If you could Travel to anywhere on Earth, where would you go? I’d go to Italy. Italy is awesome, so who wouldn’t go? There’s so many gorgeous places to visit like the Sistian (or however you spell it)Chapel. There is also a whole bunch of greatly delicious(and different) foods to taste!! I’m not sure how long I’d stay there. Probably about a week. I have a map and a book of pictures of Italy, maybe they would help? Well, I can’t say anymore except good bye!! Have an awesome day!!!!!

Posted October 17, 2017 by mcfaddk976 in category Uncategorized

1 thoughts on “Were to travel to.

  1. xiongo8o

    Hi Kayla!
    Italy would be fun to visit. I watched a video of the leaning towers of pisa (in Italy) before. I like how you introduced your topic. Who would you bring with you on your trip? I wonder, which type of food would you try first? ~Trinity Xiong
    Visit me at: http://blog.elanco.org/xiongo8o/


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