Preview To My New Book

Leopard Wings

        On an island no human has ever discovered, cats and birds lived in peace as friends. Until one day a wild leopard had come to the island. It unsteadily collapsed with a bloody hind leg and glanced at the cats. The cats treated it as a friend, and healed it. Its name was Pia. Eventually, the cats decided for Pia to meet the birds.

          Pia slowly padded forward while several cats tried to tell the birds to stay calm. Instead of coming near to speak with them, Pia then ran forth and violently scratched a baby bird in the chest, leaving a bloody scar. Pia attacked most of the birds and had killed them. Wracked with grief, the king declared war. The next day, the baby bird died.

         A long battle had finally ended. The cats had won. They sent all the remaining birds to live on a narrow beach on the island. The birds tried to believe that the spirit of the dead baby bird would come back alive and save them. They lost hope. However, there was a foursome of birds determined to bring back peace. Basil, Ink, Rose, and Lucca would find the spirit and give hope.


Make Your School Year Better. Student Blog Challenge Week #7 *edited*

Hey, you! Yeah you! Let’s talk about your school. You may think “School is boring!” I hope I can change your mind about that!

So, what are great qualities of you school?

None?! Well, you’ve probably heard this a lot but, school is the place you learn. You need to go to school to get a job and learn how to take care of yourself! School is not to be messed around with.

You still think It’s boring?

Maybe you can do something about that. Try an after-school activity, or maybe join the band or orchestra. Find some friends, or bring something fun to have at recess with you. If you aren’t signed into a blog account, ask your parents and teacher if you can make a school blog! It’ll be really fun, trust me!

If you don’t like school because of the teachers, I’m sorry, I can’t help you.

Thank you for reading this post, and hopefully you thought about school more. Don’t worry about it too much, and have a Wonderful, Whimsical, Holidays.

Things To Do When You’re Bored #4!

Hey guys! By the way, happy holidays! This post might make your holidays a little more fun! Here are 10 more things to do when you’re bored!

  1. Get creative, make weird and wacky holiday decorations!
  2. Decorate! (your house)
  3. Read my blog. >:3
  4. Watch funny videos, and try not to laugh.
  5. Put emoji’s all over your blog ????
  6. Watch DIY’s (Do It Yourself) and make something cool!
  7. Try a new hobby!
  8. Make a diary entry that you’re bored 0-0
  9. Eat marshmallows ?
  10. Learn how to animate! It’s cool.
  11. Hang out with friends and family
  12. DANCE.
  13. edit a picture to make it look super good.
  14. Or, edit a blank canvas and make it into some kind of book cover.

Hope you enjoyed that! Have a wonderful, whimsical, happy, holidays, BYE! :3

How to Become Famous!

Hello! This is my funny way of how to become famous! (Don’t actually try this) Please enjoy this advice post.

So you want to be famous? Well I’ll show you the way.

First, become fabulous!!! If you are already fabulous, skip this step. FIRST!!! Give yourself the PRETTIEST makeover EVER. OK, make your hair the best hair you’ve ever seen, cut it, curl it, and straighten it! You’re gonna need a LOT of money to get the BEST makeover, so use the cheapest but prettiest makeup (males can wear makeup too). Soon you’ll get enough famous money to get even more stuff!

Now, find the BEST and MOST AMAZING clothing shop EVER!!! Buy the most perfect clothing you can find, AND afford.

Next step!!!!! Find the way that you want to become famous, like on YouTube, in music, or even just having a perfect blog! OK, that’s a short step, but whatever.

FINAL STEP!!!! Become AWESOME at it!!

You can become awesome at anything by taking lessons, doing some with friends, and take baby steps before you make it big. You can start on a social media, and you may soon become slightly popular in a matter of a few months. Don’t lose hope because you can always make it to the finals. You can hope and dream and eventually you can become famous, or even do something small like pass a test. Anything is possible if you just believe in yourself, and start small. Don’t jump ahead before taking baby steps, or you can barley learn a thing about what you are trying to achieve. Take advice. If you fail, try again until you tire of trying. And after that, try again. If you don’t like what you are doing, try something different. This isn’t just about being famous. It’s about finding who you are, and what you love to do. If you want to be famous, do it. I’m not stopping you.  Oh, and try not just to only work on your physical features because they don’t usually do much. Well, unless you want to be a model or something, that probably matters a lot. I hope you enjoyed my advice. You probably thought I was going to teach you how to be famous, Nope! I was planning to stop you there and give advice in the end. Just remember what I said and have a wonderful whimsical day, BYE! :3 <3

Picture Story! Blog challenge activity #6

Hey friends! I’m writing a picture story now! I got all pictures from



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That was my story, hope you enjoyed! The real story was “Once upon a time, there was a waffle who loved to eat waffles, so he turned into a doughnut, the end. Have a thankful day, BYE!

Finish the story! Blog Challenge Week #4

Hey guys and gals! Today I’m writing a story that YOU have to finish!

Ink the owl was flying through the forest, finding berries for drawing on wood. He usually uses ink and paper, but today he was trying something new.

The forest. (from

The forest.

Ink tried to find blackberries, but he was stopped by a bridge. He was flying by and his leg got stuck in a vine. He called out, but he couldn’t make a sound.

The bridge.

The bridge.

Soon enough, vines wrapped all around him. They were flowery and tight. Now Ink couldn’t talk, move, and the vines wrapped one of his eyes.

Ink started to become a STATUE………

OK!!!!! Now YOU finish it in the comments! What’s gonna happen? YOU decide!!! OK, have a wonderful whimsical day, BYE! :3 <3

Fall/Autumn Poem

Fall or Autumn, whatever you call it.

I call it Fall because the leaves are falling.

In the season, it’s Halloween.

So grab your costume and trick or treat!

Get the candy.

Have a Halloween party.

Don’t forget to eat the Smarties!

It’s beautiful when the leaves fall.

I love the candy.

I’ll eat it all!

The End


Let’s Talk About Copyright.

Hey! Today I’ll be teaching you about your images, videos, and music, and how to handle copyright.

“What is copyright?” You might ask. Copyright is the little c with a circle around it, but it does a big thing. You can find the symbol in books and a lot of other everyday things, like on pencils and websites online. The powerful thing that the copyright does is tell anyone that they can not copy that thing. It’s not just that, but it’s still kind of little things like saying things like you can’t use it on your blog or you can’t make the exact same thing. If you use something that is copyrighted, you’ll get in trouble from deleting the blog post to being sued.

“How do I use images videos and music for free?” Well, you can sometime find music and YouTube videos that are for free, but most pictures are copyrighted if you just find them randomly on the internet. If you wanted to find free pictures, use! It’ll help you find pictures to use and you don’t have to give credit. Here’s the link! 😉!

I hoped you learned a little from this and what to do when you want to use some pictures and music on your blog. Have a wonderful whimsical day, BYE! :3 <3