Finish the story! Blog Challenge Week #4

Hey guys and gals! Today I’m writing a story that YOU have to finish!

Ink the owl was flying through the forest, finding berries for drawing on wood. He usually uses ink and paper, but today he was trying something new.

The forest. (from

The forest.

Ink tried to find blackberries, but he was stopped by a bridge. He was flying by and his leg got stuck in a vine. He called out, but he couldn’t make a sound.

The bridge.

The bridge.

Soon enough, vines wrapped all around him. They were flowery and tight. Now Ink couldn’t talk, move, and the vines wrapped one of his eyes.

Ink started to become a STATUE………

OK!!!!! Now YOU finish it in the comments! What’s gonna happen? YOU decide!!! OK, have a wonderful whimsical day, BYE! :3 <3

One thought on “Finish the story! Blog Challenge Week #4

  1. ……..The next day a human past the bridge. She wondered how the “Statue” got there, since she pasted the bridge every day. She walked up to the bridge. Now someone finish my commet story(you don’t have a choice!) 😉

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