Miss Gentile's Third Grade Blog

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August 23, 2017



Welcome back for another great school year! I am so excited to meet all of the incoming third graders. During our first week of school we will be spending a great deal of time getting to know each other and establishing procedures within our homeroom. Starting the second week of school students will be grouped for reading and math, and will have the opportunity to work with students outside of our homeroom. We are looking forward to a wonderful learning experience this year!

As the year begins, I wanted to share some helpful information.

  •  Our homeroom will be 112.
  • Each day we will have a scheduled snack time. If your child would like snack, please send in something healthy! During the first week I will be providing snack for the class.
  • Our specials schedule is as follows:

A Day: Music

B Day: Gym


D Day: Art

E Day: Library

  • We will not have school on September 2nd and September 5th. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!
  • Back to School Night will be held Thursday, September 8th from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM  I look forward to meeting parents and families!

If at any time you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! I can be reached by phone at (717) 445-8600 or by email at katie_gentile@elanco.org. If you would like to set up a meeting, I would be happy to set up a time for that as well!

I look forward to working you and your children this school year. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!!

Thank you,

Miss Gentile

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