Fort Day!

Today as our Dino-mite Reward we had Fort Day. Before lunch, learners worked together to build forts around the classroom with blankets and pillows they brought from home.  This was a great way for us to practice cooperation. After library we had 30 minutes to enjoy inside our forts. Learners could read their library books or work on their computers in their forts.

TEAMS Lessons

Last week we had our third TEAMS lesson with Officer Wolfe. He has met with us once each month since January to talk about police officers and making safe choices.  As part of our last lesson, we got to get an upclose look at his patrol car.  Some learners sat in the front seat like officers and used the radio to make announcements to others on the sidewalk or turn on the flashing lights. Other learners got to sit in the backseat to see what it’s like for a criminal to be in a patrol car.  The class really enjoyed Officer Wolfe’s lessons and will get to see him more next year when he does fourth grade TEAMS lessons.

Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Spring conferences are scheduled for March 27th from 12:00 pm – 7:30 pm and March 28th from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.
Third grade learners are participating in these conferences. Your child will take part in discussions and share what they have learned. Please pick a time that will allow your child to attend the conference with you.

Here is the link for our class sign up.

Here is a link for all other teachers at Brecknock if you are scheduling for multiple children.

Author Share

After weeks of brainstorming, planning, writing, conferencing, revising, and publishing we have finished our Historical Fiction writing! Historical fiction takes place at a specific time and place in history. It includes fictional characters that deal with problems that could have really happened. On Friday our proud authors had the opportunity to read their finished book to classmates. Then they gathered up all of the organizers and planning sheets they used when writitng to share with families. They also took home their finished stories too. I hope you enjoy reading their finished masterpiece!