Fun Friday

We had a busy first two weeks of school getting used to the routines and expectations of third grade. On Friday we had our first “Fun Friday”. At the end of the week we take some time to reflect on behavior choices and see what work might need to get caught up on.  Those learners who have all responsibilities taken care of can enjoy a “Fun Friday” time. During this time learners could play with Legos, card games, charades, or corn hole. They could also choose activities on their computer to do for fun.  Here are a few pictures of Friday’s fun.

Raising Butterflies

We learned about butterflies this spring and raised butterflies so students could witness their miraculous life cycle change up close. A special thanks to the PTO for the funds to purchase our butterfly kits!  We raised Painted Lady butterflies. They arrived as caterpillars in little jars on May 6th. The jar contained the food the caterpillars eat. For about a week they were busy eating and growing! They shed their exoskeletons several times while growing.

On May 11 our caterpillars started their transformation to the next stage of their life cycle.  Each caterpillar attached itself with a sticky substance to the lid of the jar.  They then hung in a “j” position and shed their exoskeleton one last time. This revealed the chrysalis that is underneath. Now the caterpillars were pupas. Their bodies changed to liquid inside the chrysalis and then reformed as a butterfly.


On Friday, May 20 our first butterfly emerged. When we returned to school on Monday we found 9 butterflies in our habitat. They drank a nectar substance while we observed them for a day and a half.

Today, May 24th, we released our butterflies into the Brecknock Butterfly Garden. Each butterfly flew off to explore and will hopefully return to enjoy the flowers we have planted.


Butterfly Garden

This month we planted the Third Grade Butterfly Garden at Brecknock. This project aligned with our Performance Task for Module 6 where students are asked to educate the community on what we can do to help Monarch butterflies. Monarch butterflies only lay their eggs on milkweed which is the sole source of food for their caterpillars.  Milkweed is harder and harder to find in nature since humans are building and expanding. Monarchs also migrate all the way to Mexico each year for the winter and need to drink nectar from flowers to give them the energy they need for this long trip. The Brecknock Butterfly Garden has both milkweed and high-nectar producing annuals to help Monarch butterflies. We got donations of angelonia and marigolds from the Garden Spot High School Plant Science Class. All third graders helped to plant the flowers and spread mulch. Our class also created some educational cards which we “planted” in the garden so that visitors can learn a bit about butterflies when visiting the garden. We hope this garden will be home to the butterflies we are releasing as well as many other wild butterflies!


Agriculture Awareness Field Trip

Yesterday we got to enjoy our long awaited, rescheduled Agriculture Awareness Field Trip. Our students rotated through 7 stations to learn from the Garden Spot FFA and Agriculture students. We learned a lot and pet some really cute farm animals!

 We learned about PA Wildlife at our first station.

 Next we learned how milk gets from the Udder to the Glass and played a game.


 We got a hay ride pulled by a tractor.


 We learned how to care for small and large animals like turkeys, rabbits, horses and goats. We even got to pet the goats and rabbit!

 At the Stream Study station we learned Brubaker Park has a healthy stream based on the types of water bugs and critters that were found in it.


 At the Plant Science station we started growing a marigold seed in a plastic glove green house.

 The Pollution and Recycling station taught us about what materials can be recycled.
 What a great afternoon of learning!

Author Share

After weeks of working on Narrative Writing, today we had an “Author Share.” Every learner wrote an imaginative narrative piece and either published their writing as a book with illustrations or a typed story.  Today learners paired up and proudly read their story/book to two partners, listened to their partners’ books, and discussed their books (favorite part, most difficult part to write/draw, what might happen in a sequel, etc.). Hopefully your third grader will share their story/book with you at home. You may also want to glance at the first draft and see how the story was revised and edited before being published.


Artificial Intelligence

Today Mr. Soper (an Elementary Instructional Technology Specialist) taught a tech lesson to our class. He introduced us to the idea of AI (Artificial Intelligence). He showed us how to use a site called Scroobly. Learners got to make a cartoon drawing and then record themselves dancing. The cartoon drawing then mimicked their dance moves.  Check out this slide show to see directions on how to use Scroobly and scroll through our finished AI cartoons.