Thanksgiving Escape Room

Today for math learners worked in groups on a Thanksgiving themed Escape Room.  The “Thanksgiving Thwarter” (an evil villain) locked the turkey, pies, and side dishes in the oven and they had to solve clues to unlock all 5 locks.  Only two groups rescued dinner in the one-hour time limit. Applying math skills in a problem solving setting can be harder than you think.  Also, working together well and communicating can be a challenge if everyone is passionate about their own idea.  As the year goes on we will have other escape room activities for learners to practice their collaboration and math skills in a fun way.  Hopefully your Thanksgiving feast is delicious and not burned.  If it is, blame the Thanksgiving Thwarter!



Stockings for Soldiers

“Because Brecknock Cares” the third-grade classes made crafts to contribute to the Keystone Military Families Stockings for Soldiers campaign. All craft supplies were donated by Art of Recycle. The third graders made washcloth teddy bears that will brighten a soldier’s day and can then be dismantled and used as a washcloth, something many soldiers say they need.  The finished crafts were donated to be placed in stockings that Keystone Military Families will distribute to soldiers serving all over the world.