Ice Cream Company Performance Task

We’ve been working hard to complete our performance task for Module 3 of Language Arts.  Here was the assignment:

Ice Cream Company– Schools are challenged to provide healthy foods for their students. At the same time, having the snacks be tasty and enjoyable to the students is also very important. The school board can only approve a limited number of items to be sold in the school cafeteria. The items they select must be fairly healthy for the students. Our third graders will pretend to be experienced ice cream production experts who co-own an ice cream business.  Their company is going to produce a healthy new flavor of ice cream and try to sell it to the local schools. The ice cream must be tasty so students want to eat it. The ice cream must be healthy so the school board will approve its sale in the schools. If successful, it may be offered in school cafeterias across the nation, increasing your business profits. Our third graders will create a presentation for the board describing their new flavor and why it should be sold in schools.

In preparation for this project, students were grouped in “ice cream companies.” They developed two flavors and analyzed their sugar, protein and calories to decide which they felt was the healthiest.  Then they created a name and carton design. This week groups presented their finished healthy ice cream flavors to the class through posters that shared the ingredients and nutritional information and recommended that their healthy flavor be served in schools.

Apple Vanilla Ice Cream
Strawberry Surprise
Tasy Treat Ice Cream
Sweet and Sour Ice Cream

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