Parody on the Banks of Kiwi Creek

Every day Cathy and Carol  did their chores. They were happy sisters and they liked to help their mom cook beans, and rice, and chicken. Every day after their chores cathy would go to her mom to learn and  carol would go play in their yard  and  she could hear birds chirping and  the breeze blowing. She was having lots of fun playing outside the dugout but she didn’t have a lot of time to play because she was busy working. Later they were sad because they had to stay inside because they did trouble .After that day, their father said it was time to go to the swamp over the hills the tableland than make it to the swamp like area where they will have fun. When they finally got there the started to swim around . But they were told not go to the river part of it were the water is deep and fast. So they went anyway  thank the GODS they did not drown!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then they lived happily ever after

Luke Howard Poem

   Luke Howard- Narrative Poem by Elijah Zook and Madison Horst  

Up in the mountains he would see clouds very clear, and he was proud of making a book of


clouds would leave with the rain, and plus he would miss the sound of the raindrops dripping down.


Luke was a star he always thought of clouds, he could never, never stop thinking about clouds.


Clouds are quiet not loud, there are many clouds when water comes out it hits the ground.


Luke was bound to learn a lot more about clouds, and he invented a system about clouds.


Later he went to look at his cloud book, he came out and was surrounded by a crowd,


I am sure the crowd was loud.


He was proud because for have making names for clouds, and I’m sure so was the crowd.


He was also proud to be honored by the crowd, he also was astound about the crowd.


Some people wonder why he mostly thought about just clouds, but he invented many names for most of the clouds, I wonder how loud the crowd sounds.


When it was raining he may have told his friends to stop singing rain rain go away because the different names for clouds.


He went to a hill to watch clouds and inspired a crowd.


The crowd was really loud but Luke Howard was bound for more facts about clouds for the crowd.


To Luke clouds were astound.


Clouds were very interesting to Luke Howard some people know why some not, but who cares if he likes clouds so much, because clouds are very nice.


He made names of clouds some ask how.


He used the language Latin to make the names for all the clouds but how did Luke Howard know those meaning not everyone knows but clouds, clouds, clouds are nice.

All the crowd saw the cloud names and said WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My First Time Bear Hunting

this is a video from my YouTube Chanel its a slideshow that I made on my phone after bear hunting

On the 21st  of November 2015 I went bear hunting for the first time. I went with my dad who says i am his only hope for a hunting partner. He told me that my brother Justin wanted nothing to do with it ,and that he thought he would get my sister Jill to hunt because he took her down to the 3d  archery shoots. He said at the 3d archery shoots she used to say “shoot the deer dad” but now she says deer are to pretty to shoot. I say nothing even close  to what they said I say… Deer are pretty ,but they taste good.

Going bear hunting was exiting although it is really cold outside. My dad and Me went with his friends. The first place we went we only got one bear. The second place we got  three bear one of the guys shot two of the bear that we got.

on Thanksgiving I am going deer hunting for the first time. I will be going up with one of my two best friends. I know we will have a great, amazing, and silly time. Because that is what happened every other time we went to there cabin.




The Long Tailed Salamander -Week 7 Blog Challenge

Eurycea longicauda longicauda: Long-Tailed Salamander Todd Pierson via Compfight

The Long Tail Salamander has webbed feet like a frog. They are orange/red with back spots the spots are smaller on its smaller on it’s back and bigger on its sides. You might mistake the Long Tail Salamander for the Norther Red Salamander below.Cave Salamander (Eurycea lucifuga) John Clare via Compfight

The Northern Red Salamander is red and also has black spots.He also has webbed feet. The Northern Red Salamander and the Long  Tail Salamander almost look identical except that the Long  Tail  Salamander is a lighter color. Both the long tail salamander and the northern salamander look alike ,but there is  one more.

Allegheny Mountain dusky salamander (Desmognathus ochrophaeus)Creative Commons License Dave Huth via Compfight

the northern dusky salamander looks a lot like the others except it does not have as many spots they also have webbed feet and look a lot like the others

here is were I got information on this topic>