Daily Archives: February 19, 2016

What would life be like without a voting system?

What would life be like without a voting system? That is a great question. There may be many different opinions but this is ours. Without a voting system there would be chaos and the government would pick the people they only want. People would start revolting against the government. So we’ll tell you why we think that and give details.   

It would be total chaos because people would have to go through things they don’t want to. They would have to have to follow laws that the people didn’t vote for. The laws could also be stupid laws like no ice cream every day. They would not get a say on new laws because the government picked the representatives for each state. Also the people would feel like the government would be like a king.

The government would only pick the people they want to because they would favor people. They would do that and then they would find out that the person they picked is horrible. Then when they get old and need to retire they pick people that will make horrible laws. There would be taxes on everything and there would be laws on all most every thing. There would also be fights and the people would revolt against the government. They would be like the colonies when they wanted freedom from England.They could also start a war but that wouldn’t happen. People might not be safe even on the roads! So that’s the few things that america would be like.

Hmmm. Let me think. Oh, yeah! Nothing would be protected and everyone would just pick the worst person when they think they are the best. The laws wouldn’t be right, the president, government, or anything else like that would be right for us most of the time and who knows, they could be mean or bad! America with be pretty much nothing without a voting system. Also it would kind of hard to figure out who won presidency because the people couldn’t vote.