Introduction and Current Events

Happy Friday, everyone! Before I provide an update on what the Garden Spot National Honor Society is currently up to, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ashley Antkowiak, and I am super excited to be the Historian for the 2017-18 school year! I am an avid dancer for the Laurel Dance company where I serve as their student representative. I am also a class representative, the vice president of the Science Olympiad as GSHS, and I am a member of the Tri-M Music Honor Society.

Our hand prints laying to dry awaiting to have eyes, legs, and beaks drawn on.
Leah Strausser, Becca Rissler, and Cassidy Reel are painting their hands to paint more hands!

Now that I have introduced myself, I would like to update everyone on what the GSNHS is working on. On November 1st, 17 of our members got together after school to bring out their creative side by making hand turkeys. This is for the Grateful Gobblegrams that we have been selling during lunches. We sell them for 1$ and attach a bag of candy and allow the buyer to write a note for someone on the back. The notes are then delivered to the students, and the money we raised will be going to a charity of the NHS’s choice.


Article written by antkowiakeh

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