Haley 's Blog

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People’s opinion


Peoples opinion on whether kid should be paid for doing good in school. Well some people think that students should not get paid in school. Unlike Those who  don’t like students to be paid in school other people like the fact that students should be getting paid in school for doing good.


People sometimes think there child should not get paid for doing well because that’s what there supposed to be doing. Alsp they don’t think that kid should be getting paid for good grades.

Parents sometimes think It’s ok for their child to be paid or rewarded with something for doing good in school or getting good grades in school.

In fact I was reading an article about two people debating on weather their child/ children should be paid in this Article this person said that he doesn’t think children should get paid he says “ Getting  good grades are what kids are supposed to be doing. Students get the benefit from education, so why should we get paid? You don’t expect getting paid to eat do you?”


There was also another person who said yes she thinks kids should get paid for doing well and getting good grades in school. I read about what she says here are some of her statements “ If you reward us, it may motivate us in subjects we don’t like. It could give us a big boost for the rest of our lives it also might prepare us for the real world.”


In this argument I think that I’m in the middle because I think we could get paid in school but only if we do good on a really important test or something like that but I also think it doesn’t have to be money because at my old school in kindergarten we got fake dollars for helping someone or being well behaved or did good on a task the teacher asked us to do so I don’t think It necessarily mean real money but maybe a different reward.

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