Quote of 4-2-19

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

~Albus Dumbledore JK Rowling in Harry Potter

This quote could mean many things. Though what does this mean to you? Many others, and me compared this quote to when we were little kids. I compared this to when I was like 3-5. When I was little I hated the dark, I would always sleep in the living room with the TV instead of my room. Though some nights I would have a nightmare of something running down the sidewalk and coming to my house to harm me. Every time I slept out on the couch I would go up to my dad’s room and sleep with him, and cuddle with him. This was my happy place, in my dad’s room. This is what the quote is talking about, “Happiness can be found”.  Though you can find you happiness in those dark times, like the quote says. Your happy place could have some dark spots but it still has that light. You get it? What about you? What do you think?

What should belong in a garden? (Poem essay)

I think the theme for ‘What belongs in a garden’ is don’t judge someone or something by its looks, because in the poem it was talking about how pretty the last white flower was, which was the speaker’s opinion. Someone may have thought it was ugly and pulled it out of the ground thinking it was a weed. The speaker even likes the flower’s flaws, it even said “I even see something pretty in it’s burnt-brown leaves.”


How everything is written gives you more and more clues to the theme. That’s why there are those keywords in there. In this poem the keywords wer “I decide”, “Plant is beautiful”, and after it says something like that it gives examples why it beautiful to him or her. The speaker says “But non of them seem to match” which means it can’t somepare to any other just like is you have a autistic friend, they’re nice but their just special and do stuff different from you.This is a love that starts a relationship.

`Have you ever had the same experience? If you have you know how difficult it is deciding this or that. Think back to when you were younger, you likes playing with toys right? Well it’s like picking a toy, you have 2 toys in your hand and you can’t decide but when you see which one is better and put the one back, But your still happy, right? If you had to decide if the  white flower should stay or pull, what would you choose? Would you keep the cute 2 burnt flaws of the white flowers, or pull it out?

Quote of 3/5 – 3/8

March already! This year is speeding by. Well its the 7th of march (The date when i’m writing this) and we have a new quote. Whoop! Whoop! This is our quote…

“It is our choices, Harry, that make us who we are, far more than our abilities”

~Albus Dumbledore

What I think about this quote? I think that, it means that we make our own choices and don’t need to listen to others. If someone tries to force or make you do something bad, like drugs, say a bad word, get in trouble with police, ect. You don’t need to listen to them. That person is just trying to make you do something bad and get you in trouble, you don’t need to do it. If you feel uncomfortable around that person, don’t hangout with them. Be friends with whoever you want, or whoever you think is nice, but not the bad people. That’s what I think.

What about you, what do you think about this quote? Or agree with me?

Beaches or Mountains?

Which is better?

Beach or Mountains?


I think beaches are better. Why, is because of their magnificent beauty, the ocean, and how social it is. These are the three reasons why I like Beaches.


First, the first reason why I pick beaches is because of their beauty. Have you ever seen a painting of beach or one in real life? The best times they are very beautiful is sunrise, and at dawn or as the sun is setting. The ocean reflects how the sun shows its color in the water. The sky goes from red to orange to yellow, or back to purple to blue. The stars shimmering at night or the rays of the sun show. Can you imagine it? I can!


Second, the second reason why I love beaches is because of the water and the ocean. I know there could be creatures there but that I WON’T GO INTO THE WATER. The ocean makes me feel calm and relaxed, that’s when I float. I am like 10% afraid of the ocean from this one time with my cousin, let’s just say we almost got sucked into the ocean swimming. When the waves bounce you up and down its like your on a trampoline made out of clouds. The water is cold though, but i get used to it.

Third, the third reason I like beaches is because of the kind people. When I was talking about the horrifying experience with my cousin, a kind man saved us. He pulled each of us out one by one, I was the last sadly. The people there are really kind like that man, who helped us.


That’s why I think Beaches are better than mountains. What do you think?

Quote of 2/25/19

It’s already February wow time went fast! But this week we finally have a new quote, its been so long. This quote is…

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you case forever to be able to do it”

~Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

What I think this quote means? I think it means that, us humans don’t believe in ourselves when we need to fly to success. For example, you have a test and you feel like your gonna fail it, when you actually get a good score on that test. Still don’t believe me here another one, you have a game whether its basketball, baseball, football, ect and you feel like your gonna loose, but  then you win! You get what i’m saying?

What about the environment and others? You can help by cheering someone up by encouraging them. You can help others, yourself, and even strangers if your that kind.

Think of this quote, how do you feel about it?

Quote of 1/28-2/1

This week we have a new quote. The quote is…

“Worlds are in my not-so-humble opinion our most inexhaustible source of Magic.” – Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter, J.K Rowling)

What does this mean to me? Well, I think it means, that we don’t need to have perfect lives cause we still have time, and if we make a sin we can fix it. We still live even if we make a sin or not. I think this because, when it says “Worlds are in my not-so-humble opinion” I’m thinking on how we are being rude and how we treat people badly. I also think it means that we have a long source of magic within ourselves, which  is kindness. Most people use it for a long long time, but others don’t.

That’s what I think of our quote.

Movies or Books

Movies or Books?


Movies or Books? I think books are better.

This is  because movies hurt your eyes (if your eyes are sensitive) sometimes. Books on the other hand don’t hurt as much, that’s only if your in the car and reading which gives you a slight headache. But movies have something in front of you. You can’t create a picture in your mind like you can with books. Books have some pictures but mostly they don’t. Books let you use your creativity of making a picture on what the paragraph is saying. With movies, you have it in front of you which isn’t letting you use your brain and creativity the way books do. Your creativity is one of the most special parts of your brain in my opinion. You don’t just need to see what’s in front of you to take a journey, you need your creativity journey to lead you to happiness.

That’s why I think books are better than movies. What’s your opinion and why?

Should We Stop recycling or keep recycling?

A few weeks now in reading we have been reading about these two people arguing over recycling whether we should or should not stop recycling garbage. Here’s my opinion.

My opinion is that we should keep recycling because, it saves our environment. Our environment is being destroyed a lot mostly from all the trash that we humans thrown around. We need to start recycling, and reusing the so called garbage materials. You can make something out of that garbage. Then make something for a poor little kid or even homeless little kids and help them be happy like you and everyone else. The article in chapter Look At Seattle’s Recycling Program it talks about the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and our reports. It says “we recycle two-thirds of all the paper and half of all cans.” The article also states “Some experts believe that a good starting point is when a product is made. We should be careful to avoid waste. Then we should reuse and recycle what is left over. ” That’s why I think we should keep recycling garbage. Whats your opinion?

I Went Two Legged

I Went Two Legged

By:Kylie Fryer



“Mom I’m bored” I said. “Don’t worry we’ll be there soon” My mother said to me. Though I believe that was her last words to me. All I remember these two legged people have a net over my poor mother. Once they had her there she got shot. “MOM, MOM WAKE UP PLEASE!” I would yell and growl at them to step back and to get away and out of this place but those two legged people couldn’t understand me. I now live with the other people at the adoption. All I have is my brother and my one friend…my mom. “We got the dragon sir” I would hear a two leg talking to their master or whatever they call it. My heart has been broken since then, though I still have one that is whole and gold.


Chapter One


“Did you hear about the two legged village?” My brother asked me. “Of course” I answered. Then I mumbled “Mom got

captured there”. He looked confused at me “Huh? What did you say?”. I replied alert “Oh nothing, nothing”. After that we went to dinner. “Alright children gather around! The hunter, Talon, got us some fish today” the adoption caretaker said. I forgot her name I think it’s like Felina.

Well everyone gathered around, of course, and ate. At the  end of our day, well only my day, at sunset I sat at the opening of the adoption center and watched the orange fiery sun set and see the brightest stars and the navy blue night appear. I close my eyes. “Star light, star bright, brightest star I see tonight, I wish I may I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight” I wished “my wish you see is my mother again”. I then opened my eyes as Felina called me. I straight ran back watching the stars fade while I got into the center. I kissed my brothers forehead “Night munchkin” and then layed down next to him and slept.

Chapter 2


It was a friday I was out training by myself. I heard something. Crash! There it was in front of me. It had a glow to it. This creature was two legged, platinum blonde fur on its head, cloth on its torso, bright blue eyes, and wings angel

wings. I got terrified. It spoke out to me “dear Opex don’t worry”. I stepped back as it came towards me putting its hand out. I blew fire like Felina said to when needed defence. The fire, it didn’t work.

This creature or being touched and burned me. “I have a deal for you” the being said. I tilted my head in confusion. “If you run away from the adoption forever, I will turn you into a hybrid of a human and dragon” the being said putting her hand out. I accepted and took off a little mark on my scales which was the mark that said I was in the adoption. I stood there waiting for the being to turn me. “I’m going to ask you one question first alright, also I’m Belle” said Belle. I nodded in agreement though  WHAT WAS SHE!? “Are you sure you want to do this, if you do it’s for saving your mother and helping your kingdom?” Belle asked. I nodded in agreement. I was shaking a little not knowing her nor not knowing she knew about my mother. An orb came from her hands into my eyes and through my body. I then turned into a two leg.


Chapter 3

A New Life

I looked up and down my body. I had cloth on my torso, legs, arms, and fur on my head. The fur was the color of my

scales, a platinum blond ish white. My eyes well I can’t see them. “Your eyes are beautiful” Belle said with a bright smile on her face. “What color are they?” I asked with curiosity running all over me. “A beautiful green like pastel green” Belle replied. After that she disappeared. After Belle had left I was trying to get used to my new two only legs. A little while later I got a feeling in my back, like a pushing or pain feeling. I closed my eyes and my wings they just popped out of my back. Of course I was missing the horns which I got later on. This was really weird though I’ve never EVER have seen a two leg with dragons wings, horns nor even a tail. “I guess I should head to a two leg village?” I questioned myself flying up into the air and looking at the sunset. ‘What a beautiful sunset’ I thought to myself as well. After, I sat in a tree leaves hanging down in my face, watching the sun set into the deep night, hearing the birds chirping there last chirp for the night. I fell asleep then and woke up the the next day all ready.



The End


Should students get paid for doing well in school?

How do you feel about getting paid for the education kids learn? Many parents reward or pay their children like in New York city, one town in the Massachusetts, and Dallas all do this. Dallas expecitally just pays kids for reading a book or two. Those kids get only $2 for this. Would you do this for your kids for school?

Some students answered the question “Should students get paid for doing things in school?” Like every other argument there is a yes and a no. The student who said no said “Getting good grades in school is what we are supposed to be doing.” This student also said “Your teacher and staff have already gone to school and have already gotten their education, they don’t need your good grades, you do!” Most of the people could agree but on the other hand there was another student who said yes to this situation. This student said “A kid’s job is to go to school.” Which it is true. This student stated that “If you reward us with money, it may motivate us to do great in subjects we don’t like.” This could happen. Another student, Brett Upperman, agreed to the yes and said “Kids need money so we can save it for collage.”

I say no because, what’s really the point of getting money for doing good in school. Parents should just reward us with a little treat not money. Like Brett Upperman said “Kids need money so we can save it for collage.” Students may already do this with their birthday money or holiday money. We don’t really need. It can just waste our parents money as well. If we have done this then we mostly wouldn’t have that much money to have us alive. We would drink the dirty unfertilized or unclean water. We would then die from the bad chemicals in this dirty water. We could also starve to death without money. Giving a kid a few bits of money everyday for school, you would waste your money on really nothing. 180 weeks of giving a kid money after school for doing something! Your just gonna drain your wallet.

Now how do you feel about the statement you chose before? Did it change? How did it change? What reasons did it change for? Think about this more often if you do this.