April 23

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” ~ Albus Dumbledore (JK Rowling in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

~ Albus Dumbledore (JK Rowling in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

to me this means that. if it is dark somebody has to turn on the light to be happy. i am just kidding this means that. you can be empty (mad) but then you just do think or hear something you like then you will be filled (happy).

April 23

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” ~ Albus Dumbledore (JK Rowling in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

~ Albus Dumbledore (JK Rowling in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

This probably means that if your mad you just have to think of something happy. mad will mean empty and happy will mean light.so i am gonna put my own words so it is like. ‘you can still be happy if you just think of a happy thing while you are mad’. and for conclusion we just need to know that you can always be happy even if we are mad

January 16

don’t stop recycling

there is a thing going around that people want to stop recycling and either you want to stop or to continue my opinion is to continue to recycle

why i think that is because we can dump a lot of trash and some might be paper bottles and even glass

so we should stop an the last thing i have to add is i agreed to this because of this sentence
“is this the right action to take recycle only if enough good things come from it”
and before i end i was actually on the stop recycling side before i read that 

pro/con is it time to stop recycling our garbage is where i got my information
January 16


History has influenced the way nations trade today.


Now before we start i found all the information at ReadWorks.org now lets go


So my first detail to support my main idea is that if u can find better roads at readworks you can read that since there were better roads people could trade easier i put that in my own words but here is the actual sentence “since there were better roads there was increased trade” now onto the next detail


Here is my second detail so this is short but people trade with rivers now i would tell you the actual sentence but i forgot this is from readworks in rivers and trade


My last detail is that people spring up but there is still prosper the real sentence is “the hustle and bustle of there marketplaces reminds us that civilization not only springs up, but still prospers by the river side. this is from rivers and trade


That is all my ideas hope you agree and remember all of this is from ReadWorks.org

January 16

yes or no

So when it comes to education either you hate it or you like it. I hate it really REALLY hate it.

But there has been a story we heard on some paper. We can like it again all we need is some money or rewards but they have a enimie a student reporter vs a student reporter weird huh one wants rewards for good work but one does not.  let’s start with the one i like.


YES because in the story the reason i say yes is because “ if you reward us it may motivate us to do great in subjects we don’t like” i also think this is true “A kids job is to go to school.” i agree because at 8 hours a day i get exhausted and when i get exhausted i usually fall asleep so i wont be able to actually work so yea.


Next here come NO we should not get money the opening statement on this is “getting good grades in school are what kids are supposed to be doing” that sucks but there is some more in this paragraph it also says in the paragraph “you don’t expect to get paid to eat do you” well no but this is talking about school for 8 HOURS well i have more to write so don’t go yet “Its not like a job you get good grades for your own good” well now to see who i agree with.


I agree with YES We can like it again all we need is some money or rewards “ if you reward us it may motivate us to do great in subjects we don’t like” really this is the best i need money because i have to sleep on two mattresses at night but my mom can sleep on a mattress holder we also need some more play items for my kitten so my final answer is YES!

December 3

Quote of the week

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

~ Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

i think it means you cant always achieve your dreams sometimes you have to live the real world.
