A story where characters have a challenge at sea

It was a breezy August afternoon, and the sun was just about to set. That”s when Jeniveve’s and her family decided to go out on their boat just for fun, they usually did this every so often. As they moved further out to sea Jeniveve noticed that the cloud’s got darker and the waves got harsher. Just when she thought everything was going to be ok the boat stopped, just in the middle of the sea, before a storm. Her family had no idea what to do, or why their boat had just stopped like that. It was hours just siting there while the ocean waves banged on the boat. When all the sudden Jeniveve saw a enormous figure in the foggy distance, as it grew bigger, an bigger, and then she saw black.

One thought on “A story where characters have a challenge at sea

  1. Great Job Michaela! I like the way you added a mysterious theme to it. I also liked the way you said that it was a breezy August day, not just an August day. I wish you would have said that maybe it started raining or something storm related. My only question is why did the boat stop. Other than that the story was great!

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