What is the best invention of all time and why?

What is the best invention of all time? Good question, the best invention of all time would definitely be dance. My reasoning to this is because you get to express your self, for example, the different genre’s give different emotions. If i’m having a bad day I dance, it helps me forget about it and dance it out, as if it were a stormy day but once I dance its sunshine. Its also very interesting to see how people can do 56 turns , or get their legs to touch their head. To add on to that I think its the best invention because the final product can be incredible, like something you’ve never seen before. Lastly, its an art, creating dances to many different genre’s takes skill. That’s why dance is the best invention in all time and why. I’ll meet you at the bar.

All about me!

My name is Michaela and I’m 11 all most 12. I have 1 younger brother named Joe and he’s in 3rd grade. I love dancing, and writing. My favorite food is stuffed shells, there literally amazing. I have 2 cats, one  is named Candy Cakes (I was 6), and crystal. I love Starbucks, my favorite thing to get is a Cotton Candy frappe or Cupcake frappe.  My favorite shoe brand is Converse (chucks). Also, my  birthday is in November. Out of all the 4 seasons my favorite is fall. There’s a little bit about me.