My Saturday

My weekend was fun.On Saturday I woke up at about 8:30,I watched TV for the morning.Then at about 9:15 me and my dad wen’t to McDonald’s.Then we wen’t to twin valley high school and I ask my dad”why are we going to the school” I asked.Then he said” because it’s the karate tournament,and I said ” I forgot” . I got there and it felt like there were 200 people there,then I ask somebody and they said” about 500 people!!”


After waiting about 15 minutes,everybody went on to the basketball court.Then we did the opening ceremony. Then I looked at my card and I was match 31.So after 45 minutes it was my tern. I got first place in sparing .Then i got karate cards.And then me and my dad wen’t to sonic and rest for the rest of the day.



8Y9A6313 MAZA FIGHT via Compfight

3 thoughts on “My Saturday

  1. I really liked how you told me about your Saturday. It sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I knew more about the Karate tournament. What belt are you? I also wish you would’ve let me know that you were in Karate because I would like to try it myself. One question I have is how long have you been doing karate?

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