Who Am I?

2014-05-03 16.14.55

Hello!  My name is Alice Irwin and I am a kindergarten teacher at New Holland Elementary.  I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from West Chester University, and a Master’s Degree in Early Literacy from Wilkes University.

I began my teaching career with the Chester County IU as an Even Start Family Literacy kindergarten teacher, and joined the New Holland Elementary team in 2005.

I live with my husband, Chris and my daughter, Kylie.  We have one dog, Roxie, and two cats, Shasta and Tuddy.

When I am at home I enjoy working in our garden and doing crafts with Kylie.

10 Things About Me!

1.  My favorite treat is hot tea and oreo cookies.

2. I have a garden that always seems to overflow with tomatoes!

3.  I love, Love, LOVE the beach.

4.  I enjoy hiking near lakes and streams.

5.  I don’t really have a favorite color because I like all of them and it’s too hard to pick just one.

6.  I love the Eagles!

7.  I have one younger brother.

8.  I played the flute in elementary school, but I liked chorus better!  Now I just sing really loud in the car (the kitchen, the yard, at school–wherever the mood strikes me 🙂

9.  I have visited every state on the east coast and Mexico and Canada.

10. I flip through magazines backwards.  Don’t worry, I promise not to set a bad example 🙂



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