It’s Officially Fall!


Kürbis PumkinCreative Commons License via Compfight

Happy First Day of Fall! As much as I love summertime, I am looking forward to the crisp weather and those favorite fall foods like apples! In Reading, we have been learning how to read different types of stories and sequence the story by using our transition words. When reading a story with your child, ask them if they can summarize the story using transition words, like First, Next, Then, and Last. I know they can do it! In Math, we have been working on our place values and expanding our numbers to truly understand the value of a number, such as 42= 40 + 2. Check out my math unit overview if you need a review with your child. It is located under the Math tab!

I will be sending out a reminder slip, but wanted to update you here as well that…

1. Spelling Words were given on Monday so that means that we will be having a spelling test on Friday.

2. Scholastic Book Orders are due Friday, September 25th. You can do it online or send in the book order. I will be placing the order this weekend!

3. Social Studies Review will be sent home soon to go over the American Symbols we learned about, the examples of rules and the importance for them, as well as the different types of communities.

October is going to be a busy month for us at school….so enjoy your last couple days of September and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!