Spelling Lists are Coming!


Letter, Word, and Picture magnetsCreative Commons License Lyn Lomasi via Compfight

Hello Parents!

I hope you are enjoying the weather as much as I am. The students and I are graphing the weather each day and I cannot believe that we have had only three days of cloudy or rain! We love the sunshine, especially during break and recess time!

I wanted to let you know that we will officially begin with our spelling words on Monday, September 21st. Over the past two weeks, we have been reviewing short vowels. Each student took a pre-test to assess their knowledge on all different phonics skills so that their spelling test will best fit them individually! Therefore, on Monday, we will begin their individual spelling word list! Look for a list (in their handwriting) to practice during the week. Although we will practice them throughout the week, it always help to make up little games or complete some practice at home.

Some Suggestions for Practice at Home:

-Use alphabet magnets or scrabble tiles to spell out each word.

-Write sentences for each word.

-Write the word list on a piece of construction paper and then cut the words into letters to arrange the word list again.

-Make spelling game of memory and spell the word when you get a match.


Also, the students have been completing lessons on Reading Eggs, which is a program that focuses on phonics and reading skills. Many of you said that you have internet access at home; therefore, your student can begin to access it from home as an educational site to use for additional practice. However, since not everyone does have internet access, it is an optional tool to use at home. The students really love the tool and I have the link on my blog if you would like to access it. Your child should know his or her password.


Thanks for all that you do! They are great learners because of your help and influence in their lives!

Happy Early Dismissal Day!