Maddison ‘s Blog

Just another site

Why I chose the book I did

I choose ink and bone because It caught my attention it is fansaty which I enjoy reading about. In the book the one son tries not to let his father down but protect his little brother from disppointing the father too. The boy gets sent on a book run which he has to keep the book safe while getting to the libary.

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2/27 vocab 2

My little sister always has a tactic to make her sound obscure when shes hiding a secret from me. But I scrutinize her facial expressions when shes trying to lie to me. I always forulate ideas when trying to get her to tell me the turth.  But when I try to My mother gets a stern voice saying ” Leave your sister alone!”

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2/3 vocab

lately, I’ve been in a bad habit of not completing my work but I hope to find an effective way to be successful. My friends suggested that I start to practice prioritizing essential things. But in order to get in the habit of prioritizing I need to manage my time better and wisely.

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