Minecraft Story #1


Superminer: Color:Green. Minecraft Name: SuperMiner Blog Link:    http://blog.elanco.org/zookpe9/    

Dane: Color Brown Blog link. http://blog.elanco.org/newswang5s4/   Minecraft name: Steve.

Dimitriy: Color:Red. Blog Link: http://blog.elanco.org/dubskiyeo1/      Dim Dim.

Jacob : Color: Blue. Blog Link: https://blog.elanco.org/brammkr9/      Jake.

Tate: Color: black. Blog link.  http://blog.elanco.org/infantewl5/  Minecraft name: Tate

         Once there were 5 minecrafters one named Steve the other named Super Miner the other named Jake and one named Dim Dim. And the last was Tate.

They had built a beautiful house. But then they walked up to their watchtower and saw an abandoned village. They looked at it and    

Super Miner said,”It maybe has diamond in it we should go check.” So they went to it they checked in the chest and it had 1 diamond. They walked away from the house but all of a sudden a creeper came up to them, and they ran and fell into a hole. “Ouch!” Yelled Steve when they hit the bottom.

    It was dark,but they had torches. They only had 128 though. They added some to the  smooth stone walls.  As they ventured farther into the cave they needed to use more and more torches. Then Dim Dim yelled,

“creeper!”.“Hisssssssss!”.BOOM!  The creeper exploded. Nobody was injured. Very lucky.Then they started going in farther.  They saw an Endermen.  He kept hitting them over and over. Then they destroyed it. Whew. They came to a pit of fiery lava. They made a bridge across with cobblestone. They kept going.  Then gravel fell from the ceiling when Tate tried to mine some for flint and steel. They ran away. They only had 63 torches left.

But they kept on venturing on further and further, until they finally ran out of torches. They just stood there, in the dark, until they saw a shadowy creature come out of the darkness. SPIDER JOCKEY!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! “Run for your lives!” Dim Dim screamed.They just kept running and running until they found their old torches and started sprinting back to the hole. Finally, they found it, and climbed out. But right when they climbed out they stumbled into a creeper. It exploded, knocked them back into the hole, and, worst of all, they only had half a heart left.

Then everybody started walking back and picking up their torches. Once they had them all they started putting them down to go further. They had gone about 30 meters and they saw some random animals there. They destroyed them and started eating the meat from them. Once they were finished they started walking again. Then they saw a shadowy creature. It came around the corner. Standing there were 3 little kid zombies that are super fast. They started running, but they couldn’t run fast enough. Then the zombies caught them and then they only had three and a half  hearts left.

         They had to get away. Luckily Steve had a bucket of lava on him and he set it down on the midget zombie. The zombie was gone but they were still stuck in the cave. The had to get out of the cave so they went exploring down different cave systems. And they all looked pretty dangerous so they got out their swords and bows. Dim Dim went far down in the cave and found a mob spawner. The mob spawner was for a bunch of creepers. Then 2 creepers spawned and chased Dim Dim. And everybody experienced a mob spawner and they were all different. Each of them ran out of the caves and met. Then they got their swords out.

Then they all kept on walking then found a skeleton they destroyed it  and luckily the skeleton dropped a bow and arrows. And luckily they found the world’s best ravine! And amazingly when they mine one block into the ravine they found diamonds! One for everybody to have an extra in case they run out eventually. And they walked out of the ravine and bumped into obsidian luckily they had diamonds to get out of there. And when they guessed that obsidian they found a midget zombie riding on a chicken! And they tried to capture the zombie not destroy it, but failed. `   

Then they kept on walking. Then out of nowhere 5 cave spiders attacked them. Then they started to attack. They each had their own cave spider. Tate got bit by a cave spider and was poisoned. He lived,but  he still had poison in his body. Jake gave him some food and milk and he was healed and had 4 hearts left.  Then they ate food until they had full hunger and health8 bars.  

Then they started to walk some more until they ran out breath and finally needed a break.Dim Dim was so tired he fell asleep. Soon enough, everyone else did, too. They left all their food, torches, and water on the floor next to the place that they were sleeping. But while they were sleeping, someone in a dark cloak came and sto all their stuff and ran away.

Too be continued….     Attribution: Bago Games via Flickr