Theodore Roosevelt Day

The 26th President of the USA isn’t celebrated enough and that is an issue, he was much more than the 26th president. Theodore Roosevelt Day would be a day to remember well, Theodore Roosevelt. It would be nice if it was on October 27 because that was when he was born. He was named the “Trust Buster” for his efforts to break up industrial combinations that were under the Sherman Antitrust Act. He was also the first president ever too entertain a black man in the White House.


Away from politics, Theodore was awarded the Nobel Peace Award for his negotiations to end the Russian/Japanese War and lead the construction of the Panama Canal. In his early life, he was elected to the New York State Assembly at the age of 23 and served two terms. His wife and mother died on the same day in 1884, the very sad Roosevelt spent the next two years on a ranch he owned in the Badlands of the Dakota Territory, where he hunted, drove cattle and worked as a frontier sheriff. President Benjamin Harrison rewarded Roosevelt’s service to the Republican Party with a job on the U.S. Civil Service Commission, he was reappointed by Harrison’s successor, Grover Cleveland. In 1895 Roosevelt became head of the New York City Board of Police Commissioners, and two years later 1897  named him as assistant secretary of the U.S. Navy.


When he left the Navy in 1898, Theodore Roosevelt became the Colonel of the “Rough Riders”, the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry. As colonel he led the Rough Riders into an uphill battle in Battle of San Juan; coming home as one of the wars’ most visible heros. Now, back into politics. On September 6, 1901, a anarchist named Leon Czolgosz shot President McKinley at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. McKinley died eight days later, and Roosevelt was the 26th president. He was only 42 and the youngest president at the time! Gaining this achievement, his physical strength and good health immediately transformed what the public thought of presidency.

Roosevelt’s “Square Deal” national, program included a promise to fight against large industrial combinations, or trusts, which threatened to restrain trade. his government brought a successful lawsuit under the non-effective Sherman Antitrust Act against the Northern Securities Company, a railroad combination which was started by James J. Hill, E.H. Harriman and J.P. Morgan. He also intervened in a extended coal strike in Pennsylvania, using a combination of negotiations to stop the strike and gain a decent pay increase for the miners. Furthermore, Theodore Roosevelt should have his own holiday and Theodore Roosevelt day is the right way to do it.

My almost final script.

C.C.C. Script By: Tyler Z. Peer Edited before conference


    “What is Climate Change?” Well, it’s when there is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns that lasts a long time. Climate Change is largely caused by the burning of fossil fuels like coal or oil which causes the production of greenhouse gases which are bad for the environment. For a while, the level of atmospheric carbon hasn’t risen above the 300,000,000 mark which was good but right now it’s around 400,000,000. I feel that climate change needs to stop because it harms life on earth.

    My idea is called Climate Change Combat, or C.C.C. for short. C.C.C. will be a teaching program for children and adults alike, it teaches them why climate change needs to stop and how they could lend a hand. There will be four places to go to; the “Entry” Room, where people hand in their money for each of the rooms they plan on going in, The “hands-on” room which would be for people who like hands on learning games, an adult room, and finally,  the “animal” room where people learn about how climate change negatively affects animals and plants.

    We know that this is a very big step in the fight against Climate Change, that is why we need your help. So please, go to *website* right now to donate and help make a difference happen! Props: COMMERCIALS, BILLBOARDS, WEBSITE FOR  DONATIONS/FUNDING FLYERS etc.

MY first blog at home plus some stuff at school

                                  My First Blog Post at Home

I just found out a way to access my blog without being at school so that’s awesome, but I’m probably only gonna do it on days when i have the time to.  I just got done eating dinner and I’m really tired so my spelling might not be on point but I can fix that later, I finished two FULL BOWLS of my mom’s spaghetti (which is delicious BTW you should try some sometime) and chugged a bottle of water for no reason whatsoever (dare) and now my stomach feels like dying 100000000 times over again so that’s nice… NOT.

I am also going to (trying to) get on to NEWSELA (LINK IN END BTW) for some topics I can’t search up in school (for some reason) so i can learn about world problems and to free me of my curse of eternal boredom. I am also going to most likely get in trouble for doing this because I’m not entirely sure if I’m allowed to do this at home this is basically risking nothing besides getting my computer taken away for like a day or two. In the midst of that I’d hopefully be able to ride my bike for once and not just stay indoors all day like I usually do over the weekend when it had rained the day before.

    Welp I just got a watermelon  pillow on Wednesday for some “unknown” reason(I like watermelon), probably the only reason that I remembered to include this is because as I am typing/editing this I’m laying on the Dark Lime Green (outside part of watermelon) + Light~ish Dark~ish Red~ish(inside of watermelon)+ Black(absurdly big “seeds”within the red goodness of the watermelon) because I like how it tickles  me a little at first then it just feels like a normal pillow. I’m sorry if you don’t like my “Englishness“© but I really don’t care about what you think of me, I believe that the best judgment is self~judgement (even though I’m the shyest person in my school (probably)). I like the fact that nothing is “completely possible” because it means that everybody including you no matter how many times they tell you do quit you can always do better and work harder and take a step forward. So yeah, now I turn this in bye and thanks for reading this :).




My Conclusion. By: Tyler

                                                                                      My Conclusion


     Children and adults alike have been, for a very long time, drawn to electronics. Whether it be a phone, a computer or some other thing most people think they “need” but in actuality we don’t need these but that is just how modern society is. For example; children sometimes through fits or tantrums because their parents decide to make them get off their time-wasting things. Instead of wasting time and money on electronics they could try to be productive, like (at least try) to do the 10,000 hour activity. Now I am one of those people that don’t want to admit it but I’d honestly rather be on my computer or my tablet then actually doing something, and I try to stop but it’s hard.

       Now, 10,000 hours sounds like a lot right? Well technically  it is but not if you like what your doing. This process is all about mastering a certain skill (hopefully of your choice) to achieve greatness. It’s 5 years of practicing, studying and whatever else you’d need to do to master that skill, it could be anything; like riding a bike, reading, sports, basically anything else that you’d wanna do, you could do it with the 10,000 hours process. All of the would things you would need are simple; DETERMINATION, FOCUS, CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF, and SOMETHING YOU ENJOY  DOING.

My conclusion is that many people waste time on electronic devices when they could/should be doing something productive but choose not to.



My Weekend By: Tyler

Rain, Umbrella, Drops, Water, Rainy, Rainy Day

It rained and it rained hard. PIXABAY:

It rained all day and all night on Sunday and there was like 2 ½ inches of rain so I couldn’t go outside and play. It felt like freezing for me considering the fact that on Thursday/Friday it was 85-95 degrees!! So my Mom had us stay inside ALL WEEKEND  because she didn’t want me to get a cold. So I decided to these simple things; play on my computer, read, or other (self proclaimed) “Non-ability-to-go-outside activities”. ©

Since my house isn’t very insulated it is veeeeeeeeeeery cold thus why I had worn my red hoodie to keep me warm, and I’m again wearing that same hoodie for a similar cause. My brother Danny, my sister Rachel and I played minecraft but not for a long period of time. And yeah that was basically my weekend. 🙂 Goodbye for now and thanks for visiting my post.

Random Facts pt2 Why do dogs drool? Link:

ho is man’s best friend? The dog, of course! Whether it’s fetching your slippers or eating your homework, the humble dog has stood by man’s side for hundreds of years as a faithful and loyal companion.

When you come home from a long day at school, there’s nothing quite like being greeted by the wagging tail and smiling face of your favorite canine compatriot. Many kids know the feeling of an enthusiastic doggy greeting. It can seem like your pup thought you’ve been gone for days, weeks, or months rather than just a few hours.

If you kneel down to your dog’s level, you’re likely to be slatheredwith doggy kisses in the form of vigorous licks all over your face. Of course, you also run the danger of being covered in a substance that can be less than pleasing. What are we talking about? Dog drool, of course!

Drool, of course, is simply saliva, which you might otherwise know as spit. Dogs have four pairs of salivary glands that drain into the mouth. Much like the saliva that your own mouth produces, a dog’s saliva helps it to swallow food and aids in digestion.

When saliva spills out of the mouth of a dog, we say that the dog is drooling. A bit of drooling is normal in all dogs, especially those breeds that have loose, droopy lips. Some breeds known for drooling are bulldogs, mastiffs, St. Bernards, bloodhounds, and Bassett hounds.

When a dog anticipates a treat, such as a snack, the salivary glands kick in and start producing more saliva. As the dog patiently waits for a treat, it’s completely normal for a bit of saliva to escape the mouth. Such drooling is common and not a cause for concern.

Other dogs, however, might suffer from excessive drooling. Veterinarians call this condition hypersalivation or ptyalism. Although hypersalivation can be triggered by the anticipation of food treats, it can also be triggered by psychological events, like fear and anxiety.

 Hypersalivation can also be caused by a wide variety of physical causes. Some common examples include tooth decay, rabies, distemper, heat stroke, motion sickness, and cysts, infections, and tumors in the salivary glands.

If you see your dog drooling when it’s excited or close to dinner time, there’s usually no need to worry. If, however, you notice excessive drooling that occurs at odd times and doesn’t appear to be related to anything else going on, you should probably schedule an appointment with a veterinarian.

Depending upon what may be causing hypersalivation, there will likely be a variety of treatments that can be tried. Your veterinarian may recommend medicine or dietary supplements. More serious cases may require other procedures.

Random facts pt: 1.

  • Have you ever been so tired that you seemed to be functioning on pure adrenaline without much conscious thought? If so, you might have experienced a bit of what it might be like to be a zombie. Perhaps you’ve seen an older sibling act like a zombie after staying up too late one night? If zombies were real, think about the ways you might use to tell the difference between zombies and overly-tired humans. What kind of zombie test would you use?
  • Shows like The Walking Dead make us think about what life might be like in a zombie apocalypse. In reality, there have been major health issues, such as plagues, that have overcome entire societies at one time or another. If a similar tragedy was to occur at some point in the future, how would you deal with it? Do you have a plan to survive a zombie apocalypse or another plague? Talk with a friend or family member about the kinds of things you might need to do to survive such an event.
  • Feeling artistic? Using colored pencils, crayons, markers, or paints, create a lifelike (pun totally intended!) picture of what you think a real zombie might look like. Let your artistic vision take over and your imagination run wild. Have fun and be sure to share your work with a friend or family member.
  • Wonderopolis link

Hand painting (Painting with your hands)


Essential Materials Hands, Acrylic Paint, And Construction paper because it will go through normal paper.

Free paint you can do whatever you want. Steps to do it. Step 1. Find some paint that you know you’re aloud to use. Step 2. Find some construction paper. Step 3. Get the paint on your hand/hands. Step 4 put your hands on the construction paper/canvas and then PAINT. 🙂 🙂 🙂

The Story Of The Four Dragons. The endless void

Once a pon a time there lived four dragons with their own elemental powers, these are their names. Flame the dragon of fire born in the earths core.  Platutena it’s said to be the maker of the the sun, Void, the creator of the moon and stars, and Auria it is said to be the maker of all water. But then when they were waiting for Plaututena, and suddenly Flame and Auria started fighting with no explanation.

So Void tried to stop them by getting in the middle of the fight and stop them. The reason why is that he was considered “the best” dragon and the others wouldn’t dare to even touch him. So he went in the middle of the elemental chaos fight and they both stopped, but not for long because flame got angry again and spit a flaming tornado at Void.

Since you might have guessed already is that Void can make black holes. Yet something happend that changed everything, Plaututena jumped in front of void and stopped the flaming tornado with the help of Auria. Some of Auria’s wing burned of but Plaututena could fix that… And then Flame calmed down and realized what he had done he helped Auria to the sea so her wing could be fixed safely. There was one problem was that something was taking control of Flame, and it is still there… The spirit is no ordinary spirit it was the ghost of the evil dragon Ganldorf. The death dragon and also void’s grandpa. He got his name because he  killed thousands of dragons in the war. And he is back for his revenge DON DON DON. But that is for another post, bye.

How The Dinosaurs Died.

How the Dinosaurs Died


Once upon a  time, ten billion years ago, there lived thousands of dinosaurs tall and small. Some could fly, and some could swim, but most walked on land. But four dinosaurs that were very special. They’re the reason you don’t see the dinosaurs today.


They were four Tyrannosaurus Rex.  They were silly and thought that the big light in the sky was coming after them.Twas trying to destroy them. They didn’t realize that this big light in the sky was the sun.  So they launched a huge rock in the sky and tried to hit the sun, but the sun grabbed the rock and threw it back at them.


Since the sun is so hot, the rock caught on fire and then aliens showed up. The aliens almost got hit by the rock and then got angry at the sun for throwing the rock at them! So the rock was hurtling to earth at a thousand miles per hour with nothing to stop it. When that rock hit Planet Earth, it basically blew up completely and destroyed all the dinosaurs, but that made the sun cry.
So the sun helped all the plants grow back because he cried.  His tears made  it rain and some of the plants started to grow. Then he the made mammals and other animals  with the dinosaur remains, but not with all of them.. That is how the dinosaurs  died, but Planet Earth still survived.