MY first blog at home plus some stuff at school

                                  My First Blog Post at Home

I just found out a way to access my blog without being at school so that’s awesome, but I’m probably only gonna do it on days when i have the time to.  I just got done eating dinner and I’m really tired so my spelling might not be on point but I can fix that later, I finished two FULL BOWLS of my mom’s spaghetti (which is delicious BTW you should try some sometime) and chugged a bottle of water for no reason whatsoever (dare) and now my stomach feels like dying 100000000 times over again so that’s nice… NOT.

I am also going to (trying to) get on to NEWSELA (LINK IN END BTW) for some topics I can’t search up in school (for some reason) so i can learn about world problems and to free me of my curse of eternal boredom. I am also going to most likely get in trouble for doing this because I’m not entirely sure if I’m allowed to do this at home this is basically risking nothing besides getting my computer taken away for like a day or two. In the midst of that I’d hopefully be able to ride my bike for once and not just stay indoors all day like I usually do over the weekend when it had rained the day before.

    Welp I just got a watermelon  pillow on Wednesday for some “unknown” reason(I like watermelon), probably the only reason that I remembered to include this is because as I am typing/editing this I’m laying on the Dark Lime Green (outside part of watermelon) + Light~ish Dark~ish Red~ish(inside of watermelon)+ Black(absurdly big “seeds”within the red goodness of the watermelon) because I like how it tickles  me a little at first then it just feels like a normal pillow. I’m sorry if you don’t like my “Englishness“© but I really don’t care about what you think of me, I believe that the best judgment is self~judgement (even though I’m the shyest person in my school (probably)). I like the fact that nothing is “completely possible” because it means that everybody including you no matter how many times they tell you do quit you can always do better and work harder and take a step forward. So yeah, now I turn this in bye and thanks for reading this :).




2 thoughts on “MY first blog at home plus some stuff at school

  1. Hi Tyler, It’s Luke, I can relate to your stomachache, one time I ate 14 pancakes and no water. IT PRACTICALLY TURNED TO CONCRETE IN MY STOMACH!!! Anyway, I kinda wished you would’ve included why you like watermelon so much. Finally, I really don’t know what “BTW” means, please help!?!?!

  2. @keeport016 I like watermelon because of its juicy red goodness and when I can spit out the seeds, that’s really fun :). I’m not sure why I put by the way as an acronym, I was probably tired. But “BTW” means “By the way” as an acronym, so yeah.

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